ActiveMQ Artemis 2.14.0 Release Notes

A complete list of JIRAs for the 2.14.0 release can be found here

A list of commits can be found here.

Release Notes - ActiveMQ Artemis - Version 2.14.0


* [ARTEMIS-2596] - (kill -9) AMQ causes tmp web dir space usage to increase
* [ARTEMIS-2769] - NumberFormatException  
* [ARTEMIS-2774] - Remove the divert transformer on divert destroying
* [ARTEMIS-2778] - AcceptorControl returns only transport parameters
* [ARTEMIS-2781] - Return only local queue names for AddressControl.getQueueNames()
* [ARTEMIS-2783] - User not set on shared queue
* [ARTEMIS-2785] - io.netty.util.internal.OutOfDirectMemoryError during uncompress
* [ARTEMIS-2788] - OpenWire producerId leak in session state
* [ARTEMIS-2789] - Fix memory estimage for AMQP Large Message
* [ARTEMIS-2790] - No examples documentation in the bin archive
* [ARTEMIS-2791] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in SSLContextFactoryProvider
* [ARTEMIS-2792] - Wrong default network pinger command for linux
* [ARTEMIS-2793] - quorum logging implies it happens when single pair
* [ARTEMIS-2798] - Expiration for AMQP messages not properly reloaded
* [ARTEMIS-2799] - sniHost property not allowed
* [ARTEMIS-2800] - Artemis Native / libaio crashing under certain kernel versions
* [ARTEMIS-2801] - Fix ByteUtil.getHumanReadableByteCount() giving inconsistent results
* [ARTEMIS-2803] - NPE when trying to configure clustering
* [ARTEMIS-2804] - Human readable timestamp is incorrectly parsed in web console
* [ARTEMIS-2805] - Wrong day-of-month in web console
* [ARTEMIS-2806] - deployQueue missing address argument
* [ARTEMIS-2809] - Retain public access to api's used by activemq-cli-tools around xml import/export
* [ARTEMIS-2810] - Support all address-settings via management
* [ARTEMIS-2814] - java.sql.SQLException: Couldn't access org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObject
* [ARTEMIS-2815] - Null pointer exception on queue update
* [ARTEMIS-2817] - Support Stomp subscription with FQQN+multicast
* [ARTEMIS-2819] - Removal of address setting (exact match) ineffective
* [ARTEMIS-2821] - AWS load balancer health check causes log entries 224088 with every check
* [ARTEMIS-2825] - Wrong calculation for DiskStoreUsagePercentage 
* [ARTEMIS-2829] - Wrong return type for getDiskStoreUsage
* [ARTEMIS-2830] - NPE in XML exporter
* [ARTEMIS-2833] - Fix metrics configuration backwards compatibility
* [ARTEMIS-2834] - Leaking meters
* [ARTEMIS-2835] - Porting HORNETQ-1575 and HORNETQ-1578
* [ARTEMIS-2836] - Console diagram view contains broken destination links and raw tool tips

New Feature

* [ARTEMIS-2770] - Update diverts using the management API


* [ARTEMIS-2109] - enable building Artemis with JDK 11+
* [ARTEMIS-2771] - Support JVM GC & thread metrics
* [ARTEMIS-2776] - Dockerfile improvements to startup arguments
* [ARTEMIS-2786] - Timestamp in console is incorrect
* [ARTEMIS-2787] - Allow a queue to be disabled, so that messages are not routed to it.
* [ARTEMIS-2797] - Reset queue properties by unsetting them in broker.xml
* [ARTEMIS-2807] - Avoid notifications on critical IO error
* [ARTEMIS-2820] - Undeploy diverts by removing them from broker.xml
* [ARTEMIS-2827] - Add addressMemoryUsagePercentage as metric
* [ARTEMIS-2828] - Add addressSize as metric


* [ARTEMIS-2775] - Cleanup Tests


* [ARTEMIS-2795] - update to proton-j 0.33.5 and qpid-jms 0.52.0
* [ARTEMIS-2818] - Upgrade Activemq Artemis native as 1.0.2
* [ARTEMIS-2831] - Possible StackOverFlow when setSendDLAOnNoRoute
* [ARTEMIS-2837] - Bursts of open files under high load

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