JMS to JMS Bridge

Connectivity > JMS to JMS Bridge

Warning, try Camel first!

Note that we recommend you look at using Apache Camel for bridging ActiveMQ Classic to or from any message broker (or indeed any other technology, protocol or middleware) as its much easier to:

e.g. in your Spring XML file just add:

<camelContext xmlns="">
    <from uri="mqseries:Foo.Bar"/>
    <to uri="activemq:Cheese"/>


ActiveMQ Classic provides bridging functionality to other JMS providers that implement the JMS 1.0.2 and above specification. A JMS bridge can be co-located with an ActiveMQ Classic broker or run remotely. In order to support JMS 1.0.2 there is seperation between Queues and Topics.

temporary destinations and replyTo destinations in the inbound message exchanges are automatically handled, enabling an ActiveMQ Classic service to handle a foreign JMS TopicRequestor or QueueResquestor exchanges.


JMS Bridge Topic Connector

property name default value description
localTopicConnection null if set will be used to connect to ActiveMQ Classic
localTopicConnectionFactory null used to initialize the ActiveMQ Classic JMS Connection if localTopicConnection is not set
localClientId null set the id of the local connection
outboundClientId null set the id of the outbound connection
jndiLocalTemplate Spring default template used for locating the Connection Factory for the ActiveMQ Classic Connection if the localTopicConnection or localTopicConnectionFactory is not set
outboundTopicConnection null if set will be used to connect to the foreign JMS provider
outboundTopicConnectionFactory null used to initialize the foreign JMS Connection if outboundTopicConnection is not set
jndiOutboundTemplate Spring default template used for locating the Connection Factory for the ActiveMQ Classic Connection if the localTopicConnection or localTopicConnectionFactory is not set
localUsername null if set will be used for authentication to the ActiveMQ Classic JMS provider
localPassword null if set will be used for authentication to the ActiveMQ Classic JMS provider
outboundUsername null if set will be used for authentication to the foreign JMS provider
outboundPassword null if set will be used for authentication to the foreign JMS provider
inboundMessageConvertor null if set will be used for converting foreign JMS Messages to a format for ActiveMQ Classic
outboundMessageConvertor null if set will be used for converting ActiveMQ Classic messages to a format for the foriegn JMS provider
inboundTopicBridges null an array of InboundTopicBridge instances - used for defining inbound (subscribe to) traffic from the foreign JMS provider
outboundTopicBridges null an array of OutboundTopicBridge instances - used for defining destinations that will be published to the foreign JMS provider

JMS Bridge Queue Connector

property name default value description
localQueueConnection null if set will be used to connect to ActiveMQ Classic
localQueueConnectionFactory null used to initialize the ActiveMQ Classic JMS Connection if localQueueConnection is not set
localClientId null set the id of the local connection
outboundClientId null set the id of the outbound connection
jndiLocalTemplate Spring default template used for locating the Connection Factory for the ActiveMQ Classic Connection if the localQueueConnection or localQueueConnectionFactory is not set
outboundQueueConnection null if set will be used to connect to the foreign JMS provider
outboundQueueConnectionFactory null used to initialize the foreign JMS Connection if localQueueConnection is not set
jndiOutboundTemplate Spring default template used for locating the Connection Factory for the ActiveMQ Classic Connection if the localQueueConnection or localQueueConnectionFactory is not set
localUsername null if set will be used for authentication to the ActiveMQ Classic JMS provider
localPassword null if set will be used for authentication to the ActiveMQ Classic JMS provider
outboundUsername null if set will be used for authentication to the foreign JMS provider
outboundPassword null if set will be used for authentication to the foreign JMS provider
inboundMessageConvertor null if set will be used for converting foreign JMS Messages to a format for ActiveMQ Classic
outboundMessageConvertor null if set will be used for converting ActiveMQ Classic messages to a format for the foriegn JMS provider
inboundQueueBridges null an array of InboundQueueBridge instances - used for defining inbound (subscribe to) traffic from the foreign JMS provider
outboundQueueBridges null an array of OutboundQueueBridge instances - used for defining destinations that will be forwarded to the foreign JMS provider

Topic Bridges


property name default value description
localTopicName null the name of the local ActiveMQ Classic Queue
inboundTopicName null the foreign topic name to subscribe to
selector null selector to use - if any
consumerName null if set will create a durable consumer


property name default value description
localTopicName null the name of the local ActiveMQ Classic Queue
outboundTopicName null the foreign topic name to publish to

Queue Bridges


property name default value description
localQueueName null the name of the local ActiveMQ Classic Queue
inboundQueueName null the foreign queue name to receive from
selector null selector to use - if any


property name default value description
localQueueName null the name of the local ActiveMQ Classic Queue
outboundQueueName null the foreign queue name to send to

Example XBean Configuration

The following example config file shows how to use the regular Xml Configuration to configure a JMS to JMS bridge.

<broker xmlns="" id="localbroker"
  brokerName="localBroker" persistent="false">
          inboundQueueName="" />
    <transportConnector uri="tcp://localhost:61234" />
<!-- JMS ConnectionFactory to use remote -->
<bean id="remoteFactory"
  <property name="brokerURL" value="tcp://localhost:61666" />

Example pure Spring Configuration

The following example shows how to use raw Spring XML to wire together a broker - bridging to a Foreign JMS provider

<!-- local broker with embedded Jms to Jms bridge (ok - it's contrived) -->
<bean id="localbroker" class=""
  <property name="brokerName" value = "localBroker"/>
    <property name="persistent" value = "false"/>
  <property name="transportConnectorURIs">
  <property name="jmsBridgeConnectors">
      <ref bean="jmsConnector"/>

<!-- JMS ConnectionFactory to use local broker (the one with the bridge) -->
<bean id="localFactory"
  <property name="brokerURL" value="tcp://localhost:61234" />

<!--JmsTopicConnector - the Jms bridge -->
<bean id="jmsConnector"
  <property name = "outboundTopicConnectionFactory" ref = "remoteFactory"/>

  <property name = "inboundTopicBridges">
      <ref bean="InboundTopicBridge" />


<bean id ="InboundTopicBridge" class="">
  <property name = "inboundTopicName" value = ""/>

Example XBean Configuration to Bridge ActiveMQ Classic to Provider With No URL Setter

Some JMS providers, WebLogic for instance, do not expose a setter for connection properties like host and port (setBrokerUrl) on their ConnectionFactory object. In this case you need to set outboundQueueConnectionFactoryName and jndiOutboundTemplate in your activemq.xml config file.

<!-- START SNIPPET: example -->

  <!-- Allows us to use system properties as variables in this configuration file -->
  <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"/>

  <broker useJmx="true" xmlns="">

        <journaledJDBC journalLogFiles="5" dataDirectory="${activemq.home}/activemq-data"/>

       <transportConnector name="default" uri="tcp://localhost:61616" discoveryUri="multicast://default"/>
       <transportConnector name="stomp"   uri="stomp://localhost:61613"/>

      <networkConnector name="default" uri="multicast://default"/>

     <jmsQueueConnector name="JreportRequestBridge-Inbound"
          <inboundQueueBridge inboundQueueName="jms/queue/jreport/request"/>


    <!-- Set up the template for connecting to Weblogic -->
    <bean id="remoteJndi" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate">
        <property name="environment">
                        <prop key="java.naming.factory.initial">weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory</prop>
                        <prop key="java.naming.provider.url">t3://<your ip here>:7001</prop>

  <bean id="localFactory"
    <property name="brokerURL" value="tcp://localhost:61616" />

  <bean id="localQueue" class="org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue">
    <constructor-arg value="dynamic/jms.queue.jreport.request"/>
<!-- END SNIPPET: xbean -->

Example pure Spring Configuration for sending messages to external ActiveMQ Classic destination through bridge

Spring beans:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  <bean id="mainBroker" class="" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop">
    <property name="brokerName" value = "mainBroker"/>
    <property name="persistent" value="false"/>
    <property name="transportConnectorURIs">

  <bean id="bridgedBroker" class="" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop">
    <property name="brokerName" value = "bridgedBroker"/>
    <property name="persistent" value="false"/>
    <property name="transportConnectorURIs">
    <property name="jmsBridgeConnectors">
        <bean class="">
          <property name="outboundQueueConnectionFactory">
            <bean class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory">
              <property name="brokerURL" value="tcp://localhost:7000" />
          <property name="outboundQueueBridges">
              <bean class="">
                <constructor-arg value="messages.input"/>


Java code:

public class BridgeTest {

  public BridgeTest() throws Exception {

      Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

      new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("bridge/context-bridge.xml");

      ActiveMQConnection connection = ActiveMQConnection.makeConnection("tcp://localhost:7001");
      Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
      Destination destination = session.createQueue("messages.input");
      MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination);
      producer.send(session.createTextMessage("Test Message"));
      log.debug("send message");

      connection = ActiveMQConnection.makeConnection("tcp://localhost:7000");
      session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
      destination = session.createQueue("messages.input");
      MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(destination);
      log.debug("receive message");
      Message message = consumer.receive(5000);
      log.debug("Received: " + message);

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    new BridgeTest();


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