1. Maven dependencies

The recommended way to define a client dependency for your java application is through a Maven dependency declaration.

There are two dependencies you can choose from, org.apache.activemq:artemis-jms-client for JMS 2.0 or org.apache.activemq:artemis-jakarta-client for Jakarta Messaging 3.x.

For JMS:


For Jakarta:


2. Individual client dependencies

If you don’t wish to use a build tool such as Maven which manages the dependencies for you, you may also choose to add the specific dependency jars to your classpath, which are all included under ./lib on the main distribution.

For more information of the clients individual dependencies, see:

3. Repackaged '-all' clients

Even though it is highly recommend to use the maven dependencies, in cases this isnt a possibility and neither is using the individual dependencies as detailed above then the all-inclusive repackaged jar could be used as an alternative.

These jars are available at Maven Central:

Whether you are using JMS or just the Core API simply add the artemis-jms-client-all jar to your client classpath. For Jakarta Messaging add the artemis-jakarta-client-all jar instead.

These repackaged jars include all the client’s dependencies. Be careful with mixing other components jars in your application as they may clash with each other. Note also that the '-all' clients cant be embedded in the same JVM as the broker, for that you must use artemis-jms-client or artemis-jakarta-client as appropriate.