Class TarInputStream

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable

    public class TarInputStream
    extends FilterInputStream
    The TarInputStream reads a UNIX tar archive as an InputStream. methods are provided to position at each successive entry in the archive, and the read each entry as a normal input stream using read().
    • Field Detail

      • debug

        protected boolean debug
      • hasHitEOF

        protected boolean hasHitEOF
      • entrySize

        protected long entrySize
      • entryOffset

        protected long entryOffset
      • readBuf

        protected byte[] readBuf
      • currEntry

        protected TarEntry currEntry
      • oneBuf

        protected byte[] oneBuf
        This contents of this array is not used at all in this class, it is only here to avoid repreated object creation during calls to the no-arg read method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TarInputStream

        public TarInputStream​(InputStream is)
        Constructor for TarInputStream.
        is - the input stream to use
      • TarInputStream

        public TarInputStream​(InputStream is,
                              int blockSize)
        Constructor for TarInputStream.
        is - the input stream to use
        blockSize - the block size to use
      • TarInputStream

        public TarInputStream​(InputStream is,
                              int blockSize,
                              int recordSize)
        Constructor for TarInputStream.
        is - the input stream to use
        blockSize - the block size to use
        recordSize - the record size to use
    • Method Detail

      • setDebug

        public void setDebug​(boolean debug)
        Sets the debugging flag.
        debug - True to turn on debugging.
      • getRecordSize

        public int getRecordSize()
        Get the record size being used by this stream's TarBuffer.
        The TarBuffer record size.
      • available

        public int available()
                      throws IOException
        Get the available data that can be read from the current entry in the archive. This does not indicate how much data is left in the entire archive, only in the current entry. This value is determined from the entry's size header field and the amount of data already read from the current entry. Integer.MAX_VALUE is returen in case more than Integer.MAX_VALUE bytes are left in the current entry in the archive.
        available in class FilterInputStream
        The number of available bytes for the current entry.
        IOException - for signature
      • skip

        public long skip​(long numToSkip)
                  throws IOException
        Skip bytes in the input buffer. This skips bytes in the current entry's data, not the entire archive, and will stop at the end of the current entry's data if the number to skip extends beyond that point.
        skip in class FilterInputStream
        numToSkip - The number of bytes to skip.
        the number actually skipped
        IOException - on error
      • markSupported

        public boolean markSupported()
        Since we do not support marking just yet, we return false.
        markSupported in class FilterInputStream
      • mark

        public void mark​(int markLimit)
        Since we do not support marking just yet, we do nothing.
        mark in class FilterInputStream
        markLimit - The limit to mark.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Since we do not support marking just yet, we do nothing.
        reset in class FilterInputStream
      • getNextEntry

        public TarEntry getNextEntry()
                              throws IOException
        Get the next entry in this tar archive. This will skip over any remaining data in the current entry, if there is one, and place the input stream at the header of the next entry, and read the header and instantiate a new TarEntry from the header bytes and return that entry. If there are no more entries in the archive, null will be returned to indicate that the end of the archive has been reached.
        The next TarEntry in the archive, or null.
        IOException - on error
      • read

        public int read()
                 throws IOException
        Reads a byte from the current tar archive entry. This method simply calls read( byte[], int, int ).
        read in class FilterInputStream
        The byte read, or -1 at EOF.
        IOException - on error
      • read

        public int read​(byte[] buf,
                        int offset,
                        int numToRead)
                 throws IOException
        Reads bytes from the current tar archive entry. This method is aware of the boundaries of the current entry in the archive and will deal with them as if they were this stream's start and EOF.
        read in class FilterInputStream
        buf - The buffer into which to place bytes read.
        offset - The offset at which to place bytes read.
        numToRead - The number of bytes to read.
        The number of bytes read, or -1 at EOF.
        IOException - on error
      • copyEntryContents

        public void copyEntryContents​(OutputStream out)
                               throws IOException
        Copies the contents of the current tar archive entry directly into an output stream.
        out - The OutputStream into which to write the entry's data.
        IOException - on error