Class MBeansRegExQueryFilter

    • Constructor Detail

      • MBeansRegExQueryFilter

        public MBeansRegExQueryFilter​(QueryFilter next)
        Creates a regular expression query that is able to match the values of specific mbeans
        next - - next query filter
    • Method Detail

      • matches

        protected boolean matches​(Object data,
                                  Map regex)
                           throws Exception
        Try to match the object data using the regular expression map. The regex map contains a key-value mapping of an attribute key to a regular expression the value of the key should match. The basic rule of matching is that the data must contain a property key that is included in the regex map, and that the value of the property key should match the regex specified.
        Specified by:
        matches in class RegExQueryFilter
        data - - object data to match
        regex - - regex map
        true if the data matches the regex map specified
      • matches

        protected boolean matches​(ObjectInstance data,
                                  Map regex)
        Try to match the object instance using the regular expression map
        data - - object instance to match
        regex - - regex map
        true if the object instance matches the regex map
      • matches

        protected boolean matches​(ObjectName data,
                                  Map regex)
        Try to match the object name instance using the regular expression map
        data - - object name to match
        regex - - regex map
        true if the object name matches the regex map
      • matches

        protected boolean matches​(AttributeList data,
                                  Map regex)
        Try to match the attribute list using the regular expression map
        data - - attribute list to match
        regex - - regex map
        true if the attribute list matches the regex map