Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.activemq.jms.pool Package Description org.apache.activemq.jms.pool A JMS provider which pools Connection, Session and MessageProducer instances so it can be used with tools like Spring's -
Classes in org.apache.activemq.jms.pool used by org.apache.activemq.jms.pool Class Description ConnectionKey A cache key for the connection detailsConnectionPool Holds a real JMS connection along with the session pools associated with it.GenericResourceManager This class allows wiring the ActiveMQ broker and the Geronimo transaction manager in a way that will allow the transaction manager to correctly recover XA transactions.PooledConnection Represents a proxyConnection
which is-aTopicConnection
which is pooled and onPooledConnection.close()
will return its reference to the ConnectionPool backing it.PooledConnectionFactory A JMS provider which pools Connection, Session and MessageProducer instances so it can be used with tools like Camel and Spring's JmsTemplate and MessagListenerContainer.PooledProducer A pooledMessageProducer
PooledSession SessionHolder Used to store a pooled session instance and any resources that can be left open and carried along with the pooled instance such as the anonymous producer used for all MessageProducer instances created from this pooled session when enabled.SessionKey A cache key for the session details used to locate PooledSession intances.XaConnectionPool An XA-aware connection pool.XaPooledConnectionFactory A pooled connection factory that automatically enlists sessions in the current active XA transaction if any. -
Classes in org.apache.activemq.jms.pool used by org.apache.activemq.pool Class Description ConnectionPool Holds a real JMS connection along with the session pools associated with it.GenericResourceManager This class allows wiring the ActiveMQ broker and the Geronimo transaction manager in a way that will allow the transaction manager to correctly recover XA transactions.PooledConnection Represents a proxyConnection
which is-aTopicConnection
which is pooled and onPooledConnection.close()
will return its reference to the ConnectionPool backing it.PooledConnectionFactory A JMS provider which pools Connection, Session and MessageProducer instances so it can be used with tools like Camel and Spring's JmsTemplate and MessagListenerContainer.XaPooledConnectionFactory A pooled connection factory that automatically enlists sessions in the current active XA transaction if any.