Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.activemq.ra Package Description org.apache.activemq.ra JCA managed connections and resource adapters for working with ActiveMQ -
Classes in org.apache.activemq.ra used by org.apache.activemq.ra Class Description ActiveMQConnectionRequestInfo Must override equals and hashCode (JCA spec 16.4)ActiveMQConnectionSupport Abstract base class providing support for creating physical connections to an ActiveMQ instance.ActiveMQEndpointActivationKey ActiveMQEndpointWorker $Date$ActiveMQManagedConnection ActiveMQManagedConnection maps to real physical connection to the server.ActiveMQManagedConnectionFactory InboundContext Represents an object which has-aSession
instance and an optional, lazily createdMessageProducer
instance which can them be used by a pooling based JMS provider for publishing messages using the session used by the current thread.ManagedConnectionProxy Acts as a pass through proxy for a JMS Connection object.ManagedSessionProxy Acts as a pass through proxy for a JMS Session object.MessageActivationSpec MessageResourceAdapter Knows how to connect to one ActiveMQ server.ServerSessionImpl ServerSessionPoolImpl $Date$