Interface AuthenticationPolicy

    • Method Detail

      • customizeSubject

        void customizeSubject​(org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject.Builder subjectBuilder,
                              ConnectionReference ref)
        Allows customization of the Subject being built for the specified client connection. This allows for any pre-existing connection-specific identity or state to be applied to the Subject.Builder before the Subject instance is actually created.

        NOTE: This method is called by the SubjectFilter before the filter chain is executed (and before an authentication attempt occurs). Implementations MUST NOT attempt to actually build the subject or perform an authentication attempt in this method.

        subjectBuilder - the builder for the Subject that will be created representing the associated client connection
        ref - a reference to the client's connection metadata
        See Also:
      • isAuthenticationRequired

        boolean isAuthenticationRequired​(SubjectConnectionReference ref)
        Returns true if the connection's Subject instance should be authenticated, false otherwise.
        ref - the subject's connection
        true if the connection's Subject instance should be authenticated, false otherwise.