Class PersistenceAdapterSupport

  • public class PersistenceAdapterSupport
    extends Object
    Used to implement common PersistenceAdapter methods.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PersistenceAdapterSupport

        public PersistenceAdapterSupport()
    • Method Detail

      • listSubscriptions

        public static List<SubscriptionInfo> listSubscriptions​(PersistenceAdapter adapter,
                                                               String clientId)
                                                        throws IOException
        Searches the set of subscriptions from the given persistence adapter and returns all those that belong to the given ClientId value.
        adapter - the persistence adapter instance to search within.
        clientId - the client ID value used to filter the subscription set.
        a list of all subscriptions belonging to the given client.
        IOException - if an error occurs while listing the stored subscriptions.
      • listQueues

        public static List<ActiveMQQueue> listQueues​(PersistenceAdapter adapter)
                                              throws IOException
        Provides a means of querying the persistence adapter for a list of ActiveMQQueue instances.
        adapter - the persistence adapter instance to query.
        a List with all the queue destinations.
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the destinations.
      • listQueues

        public static List<ActiveMQQueue> listQueues​(PersistenceAdapter adapter,
                                                     PersistenceAdapterSupport.DestinationMatcher matcher)
                                              throws IOException
        Provides a means of querying the persistence adapter for a list of ActiveMQQueue instances that match some given search criteria.
        adapter - the persistence adapter instance to query.
        matcher - the DestinationMatcher instance used to find the target destinations.
        a List with all the matching destinations.
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the destinations.
      • listTopics

        public static List<ActiveMQTopic> listTopics​(PersistenceAdapter adapter)
                                              throws IOException
        Provides a means of querying the persistence adapter for a list of ActiveMQTopic instances.
        adapter - the persistence adapter instance to query.
        a List with all the topic destinations.
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the destinations.
      • listTopics

        public static List<ActiveMQTopic> listTopics​(PersistenceAdapter adapter,
                                                     PersistenceAdapterSupport.DestinationMatcher matcher)
                                              throws IOException
        Provides a means of querying the persistence adapter for a list of ActiveMQTopic instances that match some given search criteria.
        adapter - the persistence adapter instance to query.
        matcher - the DestinationMatcher instance used to find the target destinations.
        a List with all the matching destinations.
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the destinations.