Class Transaction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Transaction
    extends Object
    implements Iterable<Page>
    The class used to read/update a PageFile object. Using a transaction allows you to do multiple update operations in a single unit of work.
    • Method Detail

      • getPageFile

        public PageFile getPageFile()
        the page file that created this Transaction
      • allocate

        public <T> Page<T> allocate()
                             throws IOException
        Allocates a free page that you can write data to.
        a newly allocated page.
        IOException - If an disk error occurred.
        IllegalStateException - if the PageFile is not loaded
      • allocate

        public <T> Page<T> allocate​(int count)
                             throws IOException
        Allocates a block of free pages that you can write data to.
        count - the number of sequential pages to allocate
        the first page of the sequential set.
        IOException - If an disk error occurred.
        IllegalStateException - if the PageFile is not loaded
      • free

        public void free​(long pageId)
                  throws IOException
        Frees up a previously allocated page so that it can be re-allocated again.
        pageId - the page to free up
        IOException - If an disk error occurred.
        IllegalStateException - if the PageFile is not loaded
      • free

        public void free​(long pageId,
                         int count)
                  throws IOException
        Frees up a previously allocated sequence of pages so that it can be re-allocated again.
        pageId - the initial page of the sequence that will be getting freed
        count - the number of pages in the sequence
        IOException - If an disk error occurred.
        IllegalStateException - if the PageFile is not loaded
      • free

        public <T> void free​(Page<T> page,
                             int count)
                      throws IOException
        Frees up a previously allocated sequence of pages so that it can be re-allocated again.
        page - the initial page of the sequence that will be getting freed
        count - the number of pages in the sequence
        IOException - If an disk error occurred.
        IllegalStateException - if the PageFile is not loaded
      • free

        public <T> void free​(Page<T> page)
                      throws IOException
        Frees up a previously allocated page so that it can be re-allocated again.
        page - the page to free up
        IOException - If an disk error occurred.
        IllegalStateException - if the PageFile is not loaded
      • store

        public <T> void store​(Page<T> page,
                              Marshaller<T> marshaller,
                              boolean overflow)
                       throws IOException
        page - the page to write. The Page object must be fully populated with a valid pageId, type, and data.
        marshaller - the marshaler to use to load the data portion of the Page, may be null if you do not wish to write the data.
        overflow - If true, then if the page data marshalls to a bigger size than can fit in one page, then additional overflow pages are automatically allocated and chained to this page to store all the data. If false, and the overflow condition would occur, then the PageOverflowIOException is thrown.
        IOException - If an disk error occurred.
        Transaction.PageOverflowIOException - If the page data marshalls to size larger than maximum page size and overflow was false.
        IllegalStateException - if the PageFile is not loaded
      • load

        public <T> Page<T> load​(long pageId,
                                Marshaller<T> marshaller)
                         throws IOException
        Loads a page from disk.
        pageId - the id of the page to load
        marshaller - the marshaler to use to load the data portion of the Page, may be null if you do not wish to load the data.
        The page with the given id
        IOException - If an disk error occurred.
        IllegalStateException - if the PageFile is not loaded
      • load

        public <T> void load​(Page<T> page,
                             Marshaller<T> marshaller)
                      throws IOException
        Loads a page from disk.
        page - - The pageId field must be properly set
        marshaller - the marshaler to use to load the data portion of the Page, may be null if you do not wish to load the data.
        IOException - If an disk error occurred.
        Transaction.InvalidPageIOException - If the page is is not valid.
        IllegalStateException - if the PageFile is not loaded
      • iterator

        public Iterator<Page> iterator()
        Allows you to iterate through all active Pages in this object. Pages with type Page.FREE_TYPE are not included in this iteration. Pages removed with Iterator.remove() will not actually get removed until the transaction commits.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Iterable<Page>
        IllegalStateException - if the PageFile is not loaded
      • iterator

        public Iterator<Page> iterator​(boolean includeFreePages)
        Allows you to iterate through all active Pages in this object. You can optionally include free pages in the pages iterated.
        includeFreePages - - if true, free pages are included in the iteration
        IllegalStateException - if the PageFile is not loaded
      • commit

        public void commit()
                    throws IOException
        Commits the transaction to the PageFile as a single 'Unit of Work'. Either all page updates associated with the transaction are written to disk or none will.
      • getTempFile

        protected File getTempFile()
      • isReadOnly

        public boolean isReadOnly()
        true if there are no uncommitted page file updates associated with this transaction.
      • execute

        public <T extends Throwable> void execute​(Transaction.Closure<T> closure)
                                           throws T extends Throwable,
        Executes a closure and if it does not throw any exceptions, then it commits the transaction. If the closure throws an Exception, then the transaction is rolled back.
        Type Parameters:
        T -
        closure - - the work to get exectued.
        T - if the closure throws it
        IOException - If the commit fails.
        T extends Throwable
      • execute

        public <R,​T extends Throwable> R execute​(Transaction.CallableClosure<R,​T> closure)
                                                throws T extends Throwable,
        Executes a closure and if it does not throw any exceptions, then it commits the transaction. If the closure throws an Exception, then the transaction is rolled back.
        Type Parameters:
        T -
        closure - - the work to get exectued.
        T - if the closure throws it
        IOException - If the commit fails.
        T extends Throwable