AmqpAbstractLink |
Abstract AmqpLink implementation that provide basic Link services.
AmqpAbstractReceiver |
Abstract base that provides common services for AMQP Receiver types.
AmqpConnection |
Implements the mechanics of managing a single remote peer connection.
AmqpLink |
Interface used to define the operations needed to implement an AMQP
Link based endpoint, i.e.
AmqpNoLocalFilter |
A Described Type wrapper for JMS no local option for MessageConsumer.
AmqpResource |
Root interface for all endpoint objects.
AmqpSender |
An AmqpSender wraps the AMQP Sender end of a link from the remote peer
which holds the corresponding Receiver which receives messages transfered
across the link from the Broker.
AmqpSession |
Wraps the AMQP Session and provides the services needed to manage the remote
peer requests for link establishment.