Class IOHelper

  • public final class IOHelper
    extends Object
    Collection of File and Folder utility methods.
    • Field Detail


        protected static final int MAX_DIR_NAME_LENGTH

        protected static final int MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultDataDirectory

        public static String getDefaultDataDirectory()
      • getDefaultStoreDirectory

        public static String getDefaultStoreDirectory()
      • getDefaultDirectoryPrefix

        public static String getDefaultDirectoryPrefix()
        Allows a system property to be used to overload the default data directory which can be useful for forcing the test cases to use a target/ prefix
      • toFileSystemDirectorySafeName

        public static String toFileSystemDirectorySafeName​(String name)
        Converts any string into a string that is safe to use as a file name. The result will only include ascii characters and numbers, and the "-","_", and "." characters.
        name -
        safe name of the directory
      • toFileSystemSafeName

        public static String toFileSystemSafeName​(String name)
      • toFileSystemSafeName

        public static String toFileSystemSafeName​(String name,
                                                  boolean dirSeparators,
                                                  int maxFileLength)
        Converts any string into a string that is safe to use as a file name. The result will only include ascii characters and numbers, and the "-","_", and "." characters.
        name -
        dirSeparators -
        maxFileLength -
        file system safe name
      • delete

        public static boolean delete​(File top)
      • deleteFile

        public static boolean deleteFile​(File fileToDelete)
      • deleteChildren

        public static boolean deleteChildren​(File parent)
      • getMaxDirNameLength

        public static int getMaxDirNameLength()
      • getMaxFileNameLength

        public static int getMaxFileNameLength()