Class ApplicationContextFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ApplicationContextFilter
    extends Object
    implements Filter
    Exposes Spring ApplicationContexts to JSP EL and other view technologies. Currently a variable is placed in application scope (by default called 'applicationContext') so that POJOs can be pulled out of Spring in a JSP page to render things using EL expressions.
    e.g. ${applicationContext.cheese} would access the cheese POJO. Or ${} would access the name property of the cheese POJO.
    You can then use JSTL to work with these POJOs such as <c.set var="myfoo" value="${}"/>
    In addition to applicationContext a 'requestContext' variable is created which will automatically bind any request parameters to the POJOs extracted from the applicationContext - which is ideal for POJOs which implement queries in view technologies.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ApplicationContextFilter

        public ApplicationContextFilter()
    • Method Detail

      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Specified by:
        destroy in interface Filter
      • getApplicationContextName

        public String getApplicationContextName()
      • setApplicationContextName

        public void setApplicationContextName​(String variableName)
      • getRequestContextName

        public String getRequestContextName()
      • setRequestContextName

        public void setRequestContextName​(String requestContextName)
      • createApplicationContextWrapper

        protected Map createApplicationContextWrapper​(org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext context)
        Creates a wrapper around the web application context so that it can be accessed easily from inside JSP EL (or other expression languages in other view technologies).
      • createRequestContextWrapper

        protected Map createRequestContextWrapper​(ServletRequest request)
        Creates a wrapper around the request context (e.g. to allow POJOs to be auto-injected from request parameter values etc) so that it can be accessed easily from inside JSP EL (or other expression languages in other view technologies).
      • bindRequestBean

        protected Object bindRequestBean​(Object bean,
                                         ServletRequest request)
        Binds properties from the request parameters to the given POJO which is useful for POJOs which are configurable via request parameters such as for query/view POJOs