The IBytesMessage type exposes the following members.


Public methodAcknowledge
If using client acknowledgement mode on the session, then this method will acknowledge that the message has been processed correctly.
(Inherited from IMessage.)
Public methodClearBody
Clears out the message body. Clearing a message's body does not clear its header values or property entries. If this message body was read-only, calling this method leaves the message body in the same state as an empty body in a newly created message.
(Inherited from IMessage.)
Public methodClearProperties
Clears a message's properties. The message's header fields and body are not cleared.
(Inherited from IMessage.)
Public methodReadBoolean
Reads a boolean from the Message Stream.
Public methodReadByte
Reads a byte from the Message Stream.
Public methodReadBytes(array<Byte>[]()[][])
Reads a byte array from the bytes message stream. If the length of array value is less than the number of bytes remaining to be read from the stream, the array should be filled. A subsequent call reads the next increment, and so on. If the number of bytes remaining in the stream is less than the length of array value, the bytes should be read into the array. The return value of the total number of bytes read will be less than the length of the array, indicating that there are no more bytes left to be read from the stream. The next read of the stream returns -1.
Public methodReadBytes(array<Byte>[]()[][], Int32)
Reads a portion of the bytes message stream. If the length of array value is less than the number of bytes remaining to be read from the stream, the array should be filled. A subsequent call reads the next increment, and so on. If the number of bytes remaining in the stream is less than the length of array value, the bytes should be read into the array. The return value of the total number of bytes read will be less than the length of the array, indicating that there are no more bytes left to be read from the stream. The next read of the stream returns -1. If length is negative, or length is greater than the length of the array value, then an Exception is thrown. No bytes will be read from the stream for this exception case.
Public methodReadChar
Reads a char from the Message Stream.
Public methodReadDouble
Reads an double from the Message Stream.
Public methodReadInt16
Reads a Short from the Message Stream.
Public methodReadInt32
Reads an int from the Message Stream.
Public methodReadInt64
Reads a long from the Message Stream.
Public methodReadSingle
Reads a float from the Message Stream.
Public methodReadString
Reads a string that has been encoded using a modified UTF-8 format from the bytes message stream.
Public methodReset
Puts the message body in read-only mode and repositions the stream of bytes to the beginning.
Public methodWriteBoolean
Write a one byte value to the message stream representing the boolean value passed.
Public methodWriteByte
Writes a byte to the Message stream.
Public methodWriteBytes(array<Byte>[]()[][])
Writes a byte array to the bytes message stream.
Public methodWriteBytes(array<Byte>[]()[][], Int32, Int32)
Writes a portion of a byte array to the bytes message stream.
Public methodWriteChar
Write a two byte value to the message stream representing the character value passed. High byte first.
Public methodWriteDouble
Write a eight byte value to the message stream representing the double value passed. High byte first.
Public methodWriteInt16
Write a two byte value to the message stream representing the short value passed. High byte first.
Public methodWriteInt32
Write a four byte value to the message stream representing the integer value passed. High byte first.
Public methodWriteInt64
Write a eight byte value to the message stream representing the long value passed. High byte first.
Public methodWriteObject
Writes an object to the bytes message stream. This method works only for the objectified primitive object types (Int32, Double, Boolean ...), String objects, and byte arrays.
Public methodWriteSingle
Write a four byte value to the message stream representing the float value passed. High byte first.
Public methodWriteString
Writes a string to the bytes message stream using UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner.

Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodToObject()()()()Overloaded.
Deserializes the object from Xml, and returns it.
(Defined by MessageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToObject<(Of <<'(T>)>>)()()()()Overloaded.
Deserializes the object from Xml, and returns it.
(Defined by MessageExtensions.)


Public propertyBodyLength
Public propertyContent
Public propertyNMSCorrelationID
The correlation ID used to correlate messages from conversations or long running business processes.
(Inherited from IMessage.)
Public propertyNMSDeliveryMode
Whether or not this message is persistent.
(Inherited from IMessage.)
Public propertyNMSDestination
The destination of the message. This property is set by the IMessageProducer.
(Inherited from IMessage.)
Public propertyNMSMessageId
The message ID which is set by the provider.
(Inherited from IMessage.)
Public propertyNMSPriority
The Priority of this message.
(Inherited from IMessage.)
Public propertyNMSRedelivered
Returns true if this message has been redelivered to this or another consumer before being acknowledged successfully.
(Inherited from IMessage.)
Public propertyNMSReplyTo
The destination that the consumer of this message should send replies to
(Inherited from IMessage.)
Public propertyNMSTimestamp
The timestamp of when the message was pubished in UTC time. If the publisher disables setting the timestamp on the message, the time will be set to the start of the UNIX epoc (1970-01-01 00:00:00).
(Inherited from IMessage.)
Public propertyNMSTimeToLive
The amount of time for which this message is valid. Zero if this message does not expire.
(Inherited from IMessage.)
Public propertyNMSType
The type name of this message.
(Inherited from IMessage.)
Public propertyProperties
Provides access to the message properties (headers).
(Inherited from IMessage.)

See Also