The IMessageProducer type exposes the following members.


Public methodClose
Close the producer.
Public methodCreateBytesMessage()()()()
Creates a new binary message
Public methodCreateBytesMessage(array<Byte>[]()[][])
Creates a new binary message with the given body
Public methodCreateMapMessage
Creates a new Map message which contains primitive key and value pairs
Public methodCreateMessage
Creates a new message with an empty body
Public methodCreateObjectMessage
Creates a new Object message containing the given .NET object as the body
Public methodCreateStreamMessage
Creates a new stream message
Public methodCreateTextMessage()()()()
Creates a new text message with an empty body
Public methodCreateTextMessage(String)
Creates a new text message with the given body
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodSend(IMessage)
Sends the message to the default destination for this producer
Public methodSend(IDestination, IMessage)
Sends the message to the given destination
Public methodSend(IMessage, MsgDeliveryMode, MsgPriority, TimeSpan)
Sends the message to the default destination with the explicit QoS configuration
Public methodSend(IDestination, IMessage, MsgDeliveryMode, MsgPriority, TimeSpan)
Sends the message to the given destination with the explicit QoS configuration

Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodCreateXmlMessage
Extension function to create a text message from an object. The object must be serializable to XML.
(Defined by MessageProducerExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSend(Object)Overloaded.
Sends the message to the default destination for this producer. The object must be serializable to XML.
(Defined by MessageProducerExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSend(IDestination, Object)Overloaded.
Sends the message to the given destination
(Defined by MessageProducerExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSend(Object, MsgDeliveryMode, MsgPriority, TimeSpan)Overloaded.
Sends the message to the default destination with the explicit QoS configuration. The object must be serializable to XML.
(Defined by MessageProducerExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSend(IDestination, Object, MsgDeliveryMode, MsgPriority, TimeSpan)Overloaded.
Sends the message to the given destination with the explicit QoS configuration. The object must be serializable to XML.
(Defined by MessageProducerExtensions.)


Public propertyDeliveryMode
Public propertyDisableMessageID
Public propertyDisableMessageTimestamp
Public propertyPriority
Public propertyProducerTransformer
A delegate that is called each time a Message is sent from this Producer which allows the application to perform any needed transformations on the Message before it is sent.
Public propertyRequestTimeout
Public propertyTimeToLive

See Also