The IRedeliveryPolicy type exposes the following members.


Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from ICloneable.)
Public methodRedeliveryDelay
The time in milliseconds to delay a redelivery


Public propertyBackOffMultiplier
Gets or sets the back off multiplier.
Public propertyCollisionAvoidancePercent
Gets or sets the collision avoidance percent. This causes the redelivery delay to be adjusted in order to avoid possible collision when messages are redelivered to concurrent consumers.
Public propertyInitialRedeliveryDelay
The time in milliseconds to initially delay a redelivery
Public propertyMaximumRedeliveries
Gets or sets the maximum redeliveries. A value less than zero indicates that there is no maximum and the NMS provider should retry forever.
Public propertyUseCollisionAvoidance
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to [use collision avoidance].
Public propertyUseExponentialBackOff
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use exponential back off].

See Also