activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel Class Reference

#include <src/main/activemq/core/kernels/ActiveMQSessionKernel.h>

Inheritance diagram for activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel:

Public Member Functions

 ActiveMQSessionKernel (ActiveMQConnection *connection, const Pointer< commands::SessionId > &id, cms::Session::AcknowledgeMode ackMode, const decaf::util::Properties &properties)
virtual ~ActiveMQSessionKernel ()
virtual void redispatch (MessageDispatchChannel &unconsumedMessages)
 Redispatches the given set of unconsumed messages to the consumers. More...
virtual void start ()
 Stops asynchronous message delivery. More...
virtual void stop ()
 Starts asynchronous message delivery. More...
bool isStarted () const
 Indicates whether or not the session is currently in the started state. More...
virtual bool isAutoAcknowledge () const
virtual bool isDupsOkAcknowledge () const
virtual bool isClientAcknowledge () const
virtual bool isIndividualAcknowledge () const
void fire (const exceptions::ActiveMQException &ex)
 Fires the given exception to the exception listener of the connection. More...
virtual void dispatch (const Pointer< MessageDispatch > &message)
 Dispatches a message to a particular consumer. More...
virtual void close ()
 Closes this session as well as any active child consumers or producers. More...
virtual void commit ()
 Commits all messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held. More...
virtual void rollback ()
 Rolls back all messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held. More...
virtual void recover ()
 Stops message delivery in this session, and restarts message delivery with the oldest unacknowledged message. More...
virtual cms::MessageConsumercreateConsumer (const cms::Destination *destination)
 Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination. More...
virtual cms::MessageConsumercreateConsumer (const cms::Destination *destination, const std::string &selector)
 Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector. More...
virtual cms::MessageConsumercreateConsumer (const cms::Destination *destination, const std::string &selector, bool noLocal)
 Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector. More...
virtual cms::MessageConsumercreateDurableConsumer (const cms::Topic *destination, const std::string &name, const std::string &selector, bool noLocal=false)
 Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic, using a Message selector. More...
virtual cms::MessageProducercreateProducer (const cms::Destination *destination)
 Creates a MessageProducer to send messages to the specified destination. More...
virtual cms::QueueBrowsercreateBrowser (const cms::Queue *queue)
 Creates a new QueueBrowser to peek at Messages on the given Queue. More...
virtual cms::QueueBrowsercreateBrowser (const cms::Queue *queue, const std::string &selector)
 Creates a new QueueBrowser to peek at Messages on the given Queue. More...
virtual cms::QueuecreateQueue (const std::string &queueName)
 Creates a queue identity given a Queue name. More...
virtual cms::TopiccreateTopic (const std::string &topicName)
 Creates a topic identity given a Queue name. More...
virtual cms::TemporaryQueuecreateTemporaryQueue ()
 Creates a TemporaryQueue object. More...
virtual cms::TemporaryTopiccreateTemporaryTopic ()
 Creates a TemporaryTopic object. More...
virtual cms::MessagecreateMessage ()
 Creates a new Message. More...
virtual cms::BytesMessagecreateBytesMessage ()
 Creates a BytesMessage. More...
virtual cms::BytesMessagecreateBytesMessage (const unsigned char *bytes, int bytesSize)
 Creates a BytesMessage and sets the payload to the passed value. More...
virtual cms::StreamMessagecreateStreamMessage ()
 Creates a new StreamMessage. More...
virtual cms::TextMessagecreateTextMessage ()
 Creates a new TextMessage. More...
virtual cms::TextMessagecreateTextMessage (const std::string &text)
 Creates a new TextMessage and set the text to the value given. More...
virtual cms::MapMessagecreateMapMessage ()
 Creates a new MapMessage. More...
getAcknowledgeMode () const
 Returns the acknowledgment mode of the session. More...
virtual bool isTransacted () const
 Gets if the Sessions is a Transacted Session. More...
virtual void unsubscribe (const std::string &name)
 Unsubscribes a durable subscription that has been created by a client. More...
void send (kernels::ActiveMQProducerKernel *producer, Pointer< commands::ActiveMQDestination > destination, cms::Message *message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long long timeToLive, util::MemoryUsage *producerWindow, long long sendTimeout, cms::AsyncCallback *onComplete)
 Sends a message from the Producer specified using this session's connection the message will be sent using the best available means depending on the configuration of the connection. More...
cms::ExceptionListenergetExceptionListener ()
 This method gets any registered exception listener of this sessions connection and returns it. More...
virtual void setMessageTransformer (cms::MessageTransformer *transformer)
 Set an MessageTransformer instance that is passed on to all MessageProducer and MessageConsumer objects created from this Session. More...
virtual cms::MessageTransformergetMessageTransformer () const
 Gets the currently configured MessageTransformer for this Session. More...
const commands::SessionInfogetSessionInfo () const
 Gets the Session Information object for this session, if the session is closed than this method throws an exception. More...
const commands::SessionIdgetSessionId () const
 Gets the Session Id object for this session, if the session is closed than this method throws an exception. More...
ActiveMQConnectiongetConnection () const
 Gets the ActiveMQConnection that is associated with this session. More...
Pointer< threads::SchedulergetScheduler () const
 Gets a Pointer to this Session's Scheduler instance. More...
long long getLastDeliveredSequenceId () const
 Gets the currently set Last Delivered Sequence Id. More...
void setLastDeliveredSequenceId (long long value)
 Sets the value of the Last Delivered Sequence Id. More...
void oneway (Pointer< commands::Command > command)
 Sends a Command to the broker without requesting any Response be returned. More...
Pointer< commands::ResponsesyncRequest (Pointer< commands::Command > command, unsigned int timeout=0)
 Sends a synchronous request and returns the response from the broker. More...
void addConsumer (Pointer< ActiveMQConsumerKernel > consumer)
 Adds a MessageConsumerKernel to this session registering it with the Connection and store a reference to it so the session can ensure that all resources are closed when the session is closed. More...
void removeConsumer (Pointer< ActiveMQConsumerKernel > consumer)
 Dispose of a MessageConsumer from this session. More...
void addProducer (Pointer< ActiveMQProducerKernel > producer)
 Adds a MessageProducer to this session registering it with the Connection and store a reference to it so the session can ensure that all resources are closed when the session is closed. More...
void removeProducer (Pointer< ActiveMQProducerKernel > producer)
 Dispose of a MessageProducer from this session. More...
virtual void doStartTransaction ()
 Starts if not already start a Transaction for this Session. More...
< ActiveMQTransactionContext
getTransactionContext ()
 Gets the Pointer to this Session's TransactionContext. More...
void acknowledge ()
 Request that the Session inform all its consumers to Acknowledge all Message's that have been received so far. More...
void deliverAcks ()
 Request that this Session inform all of its consumers to deliver their pending acks. More...
void clearMessagesInProgress (decaf::lang::Pointer< decaf::util::concurrent::atomic::AtomicInteger > transportsInterrupted)
 Request that this Session inform all of its consumers to clear all messages that are currently in progress. More...
void wakeup ()
 Causes the Session to wakeup its executer and ensure all messages are dispatched. More...
Pointer< commands::ConsumerIdgetNextConsumerId ()
 Get the Next available Consumer Id. More...
Pointer< commands::ProducerIdgetNextProducerId ()
 Get the Next available Producer Id. More...
void doClose ()
 Performs the actual Session close operations. More...
void dispose ()
 Cleans up the Session object's resources without attempting to send the Remove command to the broker, this can be called from ActiveMQConnection when it knows that the transport is down and the doClose method would throw an exception when it attempt to send the Remove Command. More...
void setPrefetchSize (Pointer< commands::ConsumerId > id, int prefetch)
 Set the prefetch level for the given consumer if it exists in this Session to the value specified. More...
void close (Pointer< commands::ConsumerId > id)
 Close the specified consumer if present in this Session. More...
bool isInUse (Pointer< commands::ActiveMQDestination > destination)
 Checks if the given destination is currently in use by any consumers in this Session. More...
Pointer< ActiveMQProducerKernellookupProducerKernel (Pointer< commands::ProducerId > id)
Pointer< ActiveMQConsumerKernellookupConsumerKernel (Pointer< commands::ConsumerId > id)
bool iterateConsumers ()
 Gives each consumer a chance to dispatch messages that have been enqueued by calling each consumers iterate method. More...
void checkMessageListener () const
 Checks if any MessageConsumer owned by this Session has a set MessageListener and throws an exception if so. More...
virtual int getHashCode () const
 Returns a Hash Code for this Session based on its SessionId. More...
void sendAck (decaf::lang::Pointer< commands::MessageAck > ack, bool async=false)
 Sends the given MessageAck command to the Broker either via Synchronous call or an Asynchronous call depending on the value of the async parameter. More...
bool isSessionAsyncDispatch () const
 Returns true if this session is dispatching messages to its consumers asynchronously. More...
void setSessionAsyncDispatch (bool sessionAsyncDispatch)
 Configures asynchronous message dispatch to this session's consumers. More...
< Pointer
< ActiveMQConsumerKernel > > 
getConsumers () const
 Returns an ArrayList containing a copy of all consumers currently in use on this Session. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from cms::Session
virtual ~Session ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cms::Closeable
virtual ~Closeable ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cms::Startable
virtual ~Startable ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cms::Stoppable
virtual ~Stoppable ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from activemq::core::Dispatcher
virtual ~Dispatcher ()

Protected Attributes

SessionConfig * config
Pointer< commands::SessionInfosessionInfo
 SessionInfo for this Session. More...
< ActiveMQTransactionContext
 Transaction Management object. More...
 Connection. More...
AtomicBoolean closed
 Indicates that this connection has been closed, it is no longer usable after this becomes true. More...
< ActiveMQSessionExecutor
 Sends incoming messages to the registered consumers. More...
cms::Session::AcknowledgeMode ackMode
 This Sessions Acknowledgment mode. More...
util::LongSequenceGenerator producerIds
 Next available Producer Id. More...
util::LongSequenceGenerator producerSequenceIds
 Next available Producer Sequence Id. More...
util::LongSequenceGenerator consumerIds
 Next available Consumer Id. More...
long long lastDeliveredSequenceId
 Last Delivered Sequence Id. More...


class activemq::core::ActiveMQSessionExecutor

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from cms::Session
enum  AcknowledgeMode {

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::ActiveMQSessionKernel ( ActiveMQConnection connection,
const Pointer< commands::SessionId > &  id,
cms::Session::AcknowledgeMode  ackMode,
const decaf::util::Properties properties 
virtual activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::~ActiveMQSessionKernel ( )

Member Function Documentation

void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::acknowledge ( )

Request that the Session inform all its consumers to Acknowledge all Message's that have been received so far.

void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::addConsumer ( Pointer< ActiveMQConsumerKernel consumer)

Adds a MessageConsumerKernel to this session registering it with the Connection and store a reference to it so the session can ensure that all resources are closed when the session is closed.

consumerThe ActiveMQConsumerKernel instance to add to this session.
ActiveMQExceptionif an internal error occurs.
void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::addProducer ( Pointer< ActiveMQProducerKernel producer)

Adds a MessageProducer to this session registering it with the Connection and store a reference to it so the session can ensure that all resources are closed when the session is closed.

producerThe ActiveMQProducerKernel instance to add to this session.
ActiveMQExceptionif an internal error occurs.
void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::checkMessageListener ( ) const

Checks if any MessageConsumer owned by this Session has a set MessageListener and throws an exception if so.

This enforces the rule that the MessageConsumers belonging to a Session either operate in sync or async receive as a group.

void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::clearMessagesInProgress ( decaf::lang::Pointer< decaf::util::concurrent::atomic::AtomicInteger transportsInterrupted)

Request that this Session inform all of its consumers to clear all messages that are currently in progress.

virtual void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::close ( )

Closes this session as well as any active child consumers or producers.

CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::close ( Pointer< commands::ConsumerId id)

Close the specified consumer if present in this Session.

idThe consumer Id to close.
virtual void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::commit ( )

Commits all messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held.

CMSException- If an internal error occurs.
IllegalStateException- if the method is not called by a transacted session.

Implements cms::Session.

Reimplemented in activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQXASessionKernel.

virtual cms::QueueBrowser* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createBrowser ( const cms::Queue queue)

Creates a new QueueBrowser to peek at Messages on the given Queue.

queuethe Queue to browse
New QueueBrowser that is owned by the caller.
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.
InvalidDestinationException- if the destination given is invalid.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::QueueBrowser* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createBrowser ( const cms::Queue queue,
const std::string &  selector 

Creates a new QueueBrowser to peek at Messages on the given Queue.

queuethe Queue to browse
selectorthe Message selector to filter which messages are browsed.
New QueueBrowser that is owned by the caller.
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.
InvalidDestinationException- if the destination given is invalid.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::BytesMessage* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createBytesMessage ( )

Creates a BytesMessage.

CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::BytesMessage* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createBytesMessage ( const unsigned char *  bytes,
int  bytesSize 

Creates a BytesMessage and sets the payload to the passed value.

bytesan array of bytes to set in the message
bytesSizethe size of the bytes array, or number of bytes to use
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::MessageConsumer* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createConsumer ( const cms::Destination destination)

Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination.

destinationthe Destination that this consumer receiving messages for.
pointer to a new MessageConsumer that is owned by the caller ( caller deletes )
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.
InvalidDestinationException- if an invalid destination is specified.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::MessageConsumer* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createConsumer ( const cms::Destination destination,
const std::string &  selector 

Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector.

destinationthe Destination that this consumer receiving messages for.
selectorthe Message Selector to use
pointer to a new MessageConsumer that is owned by the caller ( caller deletes )
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.
InvalidDestinationException- if an invalid destination is specified.
InvalidSelectorException- if the message selector is invalid.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::MessageConsumer* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createConsumer ( const cms::Destination destination,
const std::string &  selector,
bool  noLocal 

Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a message selector.

destinationthe Destination that this consumer receiving messages for.
selectorthe Message Selector to use
noLocalif true, and the destination is a topic, inhibits the delivery of messages published by its own connection. The behavior for NoLocal is not specified if the destination is a queue.
pointer to a new MessageConsumer that is owned by the caller ( caller deletes )
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.
InvalidDestinationException- if an invalid destination is specified.
InvalidSelectorException- if the message selector is invalid.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::MessageConsumer* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createDurableConsumer ( const cms::Topic destination,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  selector,
bool  noLocal = false 

Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic, using a Message selector.

Sessions that create durable consumers must use the same client Id as was used the last time the subscription was created in order to receive all messages that were delivered while the client was offline.

destinationthe topic to subscribe to
nameThe name used to identify the subscription
selectorthe Message Selector to use
noLocalif true, and the destination is a topic, inhibits the delivery of messages published by its own connection. The behavior for NoLocal is not specified if the destination is a queue.
pointer to a new durable MessageConsumer that is owned by the caller ( caller deletes )
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.
InvalidDestinationException- if an invalid destination is specified.
InvalidSelectorException- if the message selector is invalid.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::MapMessage* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createMapMessage ( )

Creates a new MapMessage.

CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::Message* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createMessage ( )

Creates a new Message.

CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::MessageProducer* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createProducer ( const cms::Destination destination)

Creates a MessageProducer to send messages to the specified destination.

destinationthe Destination to send on
New MessageProducer that is owned by the caller.
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.
InvalidDestinationException- if an invalid destination is specified.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::Queue* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createQueue ( const std::string &  queueName)

Creates a queue identity given a Queue name.

queueNamethe name of the new Queue
new Queue pointer that is owned by the caller.
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::StreamMessage* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createStreamMessage ( )

Creates a new StreamMessage.

CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::TemporaryQueue* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createTemporaryQueue ( )

Creates a TemporaryQueue object.

new TemporaryQueue pointer that is owned by the caller.
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::TemporaryTopic* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createTemporaryTopic ( )

Creates a TemporaryTopic object.

CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::TextMessage* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createTextMessage ( )

Creates a new TextMessage.

CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::TextMessage* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createTextMessage ( const std::string &  text)

Creates a new TextMessage and set the text to the value given.

textthe initial text for the message
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual cms::Topic* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::createTopic ( const std::string &  topicName)

Creates a topic identity given a Queue name.

topicNamethe name of the new Topic
new Topic pointer that is owned by the caller.
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::deliverAcks ( )

Request that this Session inform all of its consumers to deliver their pending acks.

virtual void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::dispatch ( const Pointer< MessageDispatch > &  message)

Dispatches a message to a particular consumer.

message- the message to be dispatched

Implements activemq::core::Dispatcher.

void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::dispose ( )

Cleans up the Session object's resources without attempting to send the Remove command to the broker, this can be called from ActiveMQConnection when it knows that the transport is down and the doClose method would throw an exception when it attempt to send the Remove Command.

void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::doClose ( )

Performs the actual Session close operations.

This method is meant for use by ActiveMQConnection, the connection object calls this when it has been closed to skip some of the extraneous processing done by the client level close method.

virtual void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::doStartTransaction ( )

Starts if not already start a Transaction for this Session.

If the session is not a Transacted Session then an exception is thrown. If a transaction is already in progress then this method has no effect.

ActiveMQExceptionif this is not a Transacted Session.

Reimplemented in activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQXASessionKernel.

void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::fire ( const exceptions::ActiveMQException ex)

Fires the given exception to the exception listener of the connection.

virtual cms::Session::AcknowledgeMode activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::getAcknowledgeMode ( ) const

Returns the acknowledgment mode of the session.

the Sessions Acknowledge Mode
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

ActiveMQConnection* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::getConnection ( ) const

Gets the ActiveMQConnection that is associated with this session.

decaf::util::ArrayList< Pointer<ActiveMQConsumerKernel> > activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::getConsumers ( ) const

Returns an ArrayList containing a copy of all consumers currently in use on this Session.

Since this list is copied from the main consumers list the usage is thread safe after return.

a list containing a pointer to each consumer active in this session.
cms::ExceptionListener* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::getExceptionListener ( )

This method gets any registered exception listener of this sessions connection and returns it.

Mainly intended for use by the objects that this session creates so that they can notify the client of exceptions that occur in the context of another thread.

the registered cms::ExceptionListener pointer or NULL
virtual int activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::getHashCode ( ) const

Returns a Hash Code for this Session based on its SessionId.

an int hash code based on the string balue of SessionId.

Implements activemq::core::Dispatcher.

long long activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::getLastDeliveredSequenceId ( ) const

Gets the currently set Last Delivered Sequence Id.

long long containing the sequence id of the last delivered Message.
virtual cms::MessageTransformer* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::getMessageTransformer ( ) const

Gets the currently configured MessageTransformer for this Session.

the pointer to the currently set cms::MessageTransformer.

Implements cms::Session.

Pointer<commands::ConsumerId> activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::getNextConsumerId ( )

Get the Next available Consumer Id.

the next id in the sequence.
Pointer<commands::ProducerId> activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::getNextProducerId ( )

Get the Next available Producer Id.

the next id in the sequence.
Pointer<threads::Scheduler> activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::getScheduler ( ) const

Gets a Pointer to this Session's Scheduler instance.

const commands::SessionId& activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::getSessionId ( ) const

Gets the Session Id object for this session, if the session is closed than this method throws an exception.

SessionId Reference
const commands::SessionInfo& activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::getSessionInfo ( ) const

Gets the Session Information object for this session, if the session is closed than this method throws an exception.

SessionInfo Reference
Pointer<ActiveMQTransactionContext> activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::getTransactionContext ( )

Gets the Pointer to this Session's TransactionContext.

a Pointer to this Session's TransactionContext
virtual bool activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::isAutoAcknowledge ( ) const
virtual bool activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::isClientAcknowledge ( ) const
virtual bool activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::isDupsOkAcknowledge ( ) const
virtual bool activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::isIndividualAcknowledge ( ) const
bool activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::isInUse ( Pointer< commands::ActiveMQDestination destination)

Checks if the given destination is currently in use by any consumers in this Session.

true if there is a consumer of this destination in this Session.
bool activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::isSessionAsyncDispatch ( ) const

Returns true if this session is dispatching messages to its consumers asynchronously.

Returns the sessionAsyncDispatch.
bool activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::isStarted ( ) const

Indicates whether or not the session is currently in the started state.

virtual bool activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::isTransacted ( ) const

Gets if the Sessions is a Transacted Session.

transacted true - false.
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

Reimplemented in activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQXASessionKernel.

bool activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::iterateConsumers ( )

Gives each consumer a chance to dispatch messages that have been enqueued by calling each consumers iterate method.

Returns true if this method needs to be called again because a consumer requires further processing time to complete its dispatching. Once all consumers are done this method returns false.

true if more iterations are needed false otherwise.
Pointer<ActiveMQConsumerKernel> activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::lookupConsumerKernel ( Pointer< commands::ConsumerId id)
a Pointer to an ActiveMQConsumerKernel using its ConsumerId, or NULL.
Pointer<ActiveMQProducerKernel> activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::lookupProducerKernel ( Pointer< commands::ProducerId id)
a Pointer to an ActiveMQProducerKernel using its ProducerId, or NULL.
void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::oneway ( Pointer< commands::Command command)

Sends a Command to the broker without requesting any Response be returned.

commandThe message to send to the Broker.
ActiveMQExceptionif not currently connected, or if the operation fails for any reason.
virtual void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::recover ( )

Stops message delivery in this session, and restarts message delivery with the oldest unacknowledged message.

All consumers deliver messages in a serial order. Acknowledging a received message automatically acknowledges all messages that have been delivered to the client.

Restarting a session causes it to take the following actions:

  • Stop message delivery
  • Mark all messages that might have been delivered but not acknowledged as "redelivered"
  • Restart the delivery sequence including all unacknowledged messages that had been previously delivered. Redelivered messages do not have to be delivered in exactly their original delivery order.
CMSException- if the CMS provider fails to stop and restart message delivery due to some internal error.
IllegalStateException- if the method is called by a transacted session.

Implements cms::Session.

virtual void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::redispatch ( MessageDispatchChannel unconsumedMessages)

Redispatches the given set of unconsumed messages to the consumers.

unconsumedMessages- unconsumed messages to be redelivered.
void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::removeConsumer ( Pointer< ActiveMQConsumerKernel consumer)

Dispose of a MessageConsumer from this session.

Removes it from the Connection and clean up any resources associated with it.

consumerThe ActiveMQConsumerKernel instance to remove from this session.
ActiveMQExceptionif an internal error occurs.
void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::removeProducer ( Pointer< ActiveMQProducerKernel producer)

Dispose of a MessageProducer from this session.

Removes it from the Connection and clean up any resources associated with it.

producerThe Producer kernel instance to remove from this session.
ActiveMQExceptionif an internal error occurs.
virtual void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::rollback ( )

Rolls back all messages done in this transaction and releases any locks currently held.

CMSException- If an internal error occurs.
IllegalStateException- if the method is not called by a transacted session.

Implements cms::Session.

Reimplemented in activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQXASessionKernel.

void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::send ( kernels::ActiveMQProducerKernel producer,
Pointer< commands::ActiveMQDestination destination,
cms::Message message,
int  deliveryMode,
int  priority,
long long  timeToLive,
util::MemoryUsage producerWindow,
long long  sendTimeout,
cms::AsyncCallback onComplete 

Sends a message from the Producer specified using this session's connection the message will be sent using the best available means depending on the configuration of the connection.

Asynchronous sends will be chosen if at all possible.

producerThe sending Producer
destinationThe target destination for the Message.
messageThe message to send to the broker.
deliveryModeThe delivery mode to assign to the outgoing message.
priorityThe priority value to assign to the outgoing message.
timeToLiveThe time to live for the outgoing message.
usagePointer to a Usage tracker which if set will be increased by the size of the given message.
sendTimeoutThe amount of time to block during send before failing, or 0 to wait forever.
CMSExceptionif an error occurs while sending the message.
void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::sendAck ( decaf::lang::Pointer< commands::MessageAck ack,
bool  async = false 

Sends the given MessageAck command to the Broker either via Synchronous call or an Asynchronous call depending on the value of the async parameter.

ackThe MessageAck command to send.
asyncTrue if the command can be sent asynchronously.
void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::setLastDeliveredSequenceId ( long long  value)

Sets the value of the Last Delivered Sequence Id.

valueThe new value to assign to the Last Delivered Sequence Id property.
virtual void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::setMessageTransformer ( cms::MessageTransformer transformer)

Set an MessageTransformer instance that is passed on to all MessageProducer and MessageConsumer objects created from this Session.

transformerPointer to the cms::MessageTransformer to set on all MessageConsumers and MessageProducers.

Implements cms::Session.

void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::setPrefetchSize ( Pointer< commands::ConsumerId id,
int  prefetch 

Set the prefetch level for the given consumer if it exists in this Session to the value specified.

idThe consumer Id to search for and set prefetch level.
prefetchThe new prefetch value.
void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::setSessionAsyncDispatch ( bool  sessionAsyncDispatch)

Configures asynchronous message dispatch to this session's consumers.

sessionAsyncDispatchThe sessionAsyncDispatch to set.
virtual void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::start ( )

Stops asynchronous message delivery.

Implements cms::Startable.

virtual void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::stop ( )

Starts asynchronous message delivery.

Implements cms::Stoppable.

Pointer<commands::Response> activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::syncRequest ( Pointer< commands::Command command,
unsigned int  timeout = 0 

Sends a synchronous request and returns the response from the broker.

Converts any error responses into an exception.

commandThe command to send to the broker.
timeoutThe time to wait for a response, default is zero or infinite.
Pointer to a Response object that the broker has returned for the Command sent.
ActiveMQExceptionthrown if an error response was received from the broker, or if any other error occurred.
virtual void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::unsubscribe ( const std::string &  name)

Unsubscribes a durable subscription that has been created by a client.

This method deletes the state being maintained on behalf of the subscriber by its provider. It is erroneous for a client to delete a durable subscription while there is an active MessageConsumer or Subscriber for the subscription, or while a consumed message is part of a pending transaction or has not been acknowledged in the session.

nameThe name used to identify this subscription
CMSException- If an internal error occurs.

Implements cms::Session.

void activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::wakeup ( )

Causes the Session to wakeup its executer and ensure all messages are dispatched.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

Field Documentation

cms::Session::AcknowledgeMode activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::ackMode

This Sessions Acknowledgment mode.

AtomicBoolean activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::closed

Indicates that this connection has been closed, it is no longer usable after this becomes true.

SessionConfig* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::config
ActiveMQConnection* activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::connection


util::LongSequenceGenerator activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::consumerIds

Next available Consumer Id.

std::auto_ptr<ActiveMQSessionExecutor> activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::executor

Sends incoming messages to the registered consumers.

long long activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::lastDeliveredSequenceId

Last Delivered Sequence Id.

util::LongSequenceGenerator activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::producerIds

Next available Producer Id.

util::LongSequenceGenerator activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::producerSequenceIds

Next available Producer Sequence Id.

Pointer<commands::SessionInfo> activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::sessionInfo

SessionInfo for this Session.

Pointer<ActiveMQTransactionContext> activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::transaction

Transaction Management object.

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