Configuring ActiveMQ CPP

Connectivity > Cross Language Clients > ActiveMQ C++ Clients > Configuring ActiveMQ CPP

The configuration of ActiveMQ Classic is so slick, we decided to take a similar approach with ActiveMQ-CPP. All configuration is achieved via URI-encoded parameters, either on the connection or destinations. Through the URIs, you can configure virtually every facet of your ActiveMQ-CPP client. The tables below show the comprehensive set of parameters.

Connection URI Parameters

Example Configuration

cf = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory( “tcp://localhost:61616?wireFormat=openwire&wireFormat.tightEncodingEnabled=true”);

Socket Options

Option Name Default Description
inputBufferSize 10000 The number of bytes in the buffered input stream’s buffer
outputBufferSize 10000 The number of bytes in the buffered output stream’s buffer
soLinger 0 Socket SOLinger value
soKeepAlive false Socket SOKeepAlive value
soReceiveBufferSize -1 Socket receive buffer. If -1, use OS default.
soSendBufferSize -1 Socket send buffer. If -1, use OS default.

Transport Options

Option Name Default Description
commandTracingEnabled false If true, enables tracing of incoming and outgoing transport commands
tcpTracingEnabled false If true, enables tracing of raw network IO (in hex)
useAsyncSend false If true, enables asynchronous sending of messages.

Transaction Options

Option Name Default Description
transaction.maxRedeliveryCount 5 Maximum number of redelivery attempts.

Wire Format Protocol Options

Option Name Default Description
wireFormat openwire Selects the wire format to use. Out of the box, can be either stomp or openwire.
wireFormat.stackTraceEnabled false Should the stack trace of exception that occur on the broker be sent to the client? Only used by openwire protocol.
wireFormat.cacheEnabled false Should commonly repeated values be cached so that less marshalling occurs? Only used by openwire protocol.
wireFormat.tcpNoDelayEnabled false Does not affect the wire format, but provides a hint to the peer that TCP nodelay should be enabled on the communications Socket. Only used by openwire protocol.
wireFormat.sizePrefixDisabled false Should serialized messages include a payload length prefix? Only used by openwire protocol.
wireFormat.tightEncodingEnabled false Should wire size be optimized over CPU usage? Only used by the openwire protocol.

Destination URI Parameters

Example Configuration

d = session->createTopic("");

General Options

Option Name|Default|Description —|—|— consumer.prefetchSize|1000|The number of message the consumer will prefetch. consumer.maximumPendingMessageLimit|0|Use to control if messages are dropped if a slow consumer situation exists. consumer.noLocal|false|Same as the noLocal flag on a Topic consumer. Exposed here so that it can be used with a queue. consumer.dispatchAsync|false|Should the broker dispatch messages asynchronously to the consumer. consumer.retroactive|false|Is this a Retroactive Consumer. consumer.selector|null|JMS Selector used with the consumer. consumer.exclusive|false|Is this an Exclusive Consumer. consumer.priority|0|Allows you to configure a Consumer Priority.

OpenWire-only Options

Option Name Default Description
consumer.browser false  
consumer.networkSubscription false  
consumer.optimizedAcknowledge false Enables an optimised acknowledgement mode where messages are acknowledged in batches rather than individually. Alternatively, you could use Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE acknowledgement mode for the consumers which can often be faster. WARNING enabling this issue could cause some issues with auto-acknowledgement on reconnection
consumer.noRangeAcks false  
consumer.retroactive false Sets whether or not retroactive consumers are enabled. Retroactive consumers allow non-durable topic subscribers to receive old messages that were published before the non-durable subscriber started.
producer.dispatchAsyc false  

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