Interface ClientConsumer

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ClientConsumer
    extends AutoCloseable
    A ClientConsumer receives messages from ActiveMQ Artemis queues.
    Messages can be consumed synchronously by using the receive() methods which will block until a message is received (or a timeout expires) or asynchronously by setting a MessageHandler.
    These 2 types of consumption are exclusive: a ClientConsumer with a MessageHandler set will throw ActiveMQException if its receive() methods are called.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getConsumerContext

        ConsumerContext getConsumerContext()
        The server's ID associated with this consumer. ActiveMQ Artemis implements this as a long but this could be protocol dependent.
      • receive

        ClientMessage receive()
                       throws ActiveMQException
        Receives a message from a queue.

        This call will block indefinitely until a message is received.

        Calling this method on a closed consumer will throw an ActiveMQException.

        a ClientMessage
        ActiveMQException - if an exception occurs while waiting to receive a message
      • receive

        ClientMessage receive​(long timeout)
                       throws ActiveMQException
        Receives a message from a queue.

        This call will block until a message is received or the given timeout expires.

        Calling this method on a closed consumer will throw an ActiveMQException.

        timeout - time (in milliseconds) to wait to receive a message
        a message or null if the time out expired
        ActiveMQException - if an exception occurs while waiting to receive a message
      • receiveImmediate

        ClientMessage receiveImmediate()
                                throws ActiveMQException
        Receives a message from a queue. This call will force a network trip to ActiveMQ Artemis server to ensure that there are no messages in the queue which can be delivered to this consumer.

        This call will never wait indefinitely for a message, it will return null if no messages are available for this consumer.

        Note however that there is a performance cost as an additional network trip to the server may required to check the queue status.

        Calling this method on a closed consumer will throw an ActiveMQException.

        a message or null if there are no messages in the queue for this consumer
        ActiveMQException - if an exception occurs while waiting to receive a message
      • getMessageHandler

        MessageHandler getMessageHandler()
                                  throws ActiveMQException
        Returns the MessageHandler associated to this consumer.

        Calling this method on a closed consumer will throw an ActiveMQException.

        the MessageHandler associated to this consumer or null
        ActiveMQException - if an exception occurs while getting the MessageHandler
      • setMessageHandler

        ClientConsumer setMessageHandler​(MessageHandler handler)
                                  throws ActiveMQException
        Sets the MessageHandler for this consumer to consume messages asynchronously.

        Note that setting a handler dedicates the parent session, and its child producers and consumers, to the session-wide handler delivery thread of control.

        Calling this method on a closed consumer will throw a ActiveMQException.

        handler - a MessageHandler
        ActiveMQException - if an exception occurs while setting the MessageHandler
      • isClosed

        boolean isClosed()
        Returns whether the consumer is closed or not.
        true if this consumer is closed, false else
      • getLastException

        Exception getLastException()
        Returns the last exception thrown by a call to this consumer's MessageHandler.
        the last exception thrown by a call to this consumer's MessageHandler or null