Class ConnectionInfo

    • Field Detail

      • clientId

        protected String clientId
      • clientIp

        protected String clientIp
      • userName

        protected String userName
      • password

        protected String password
      • brokerPath

        protected BrokerId[] brokerPath
      • brokerMasterConnector

        protected boolean brokerMasterConnector
      • manageable

        protected boolean manageable
      • clientMaster

        protected boolean clientMaster
      • faultTolerant

        protected boolean faultTolerant
      • failoverReconnect

        protected boolean failoverReconnect
      • transportContext

        protected transient Object transportContext
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConnectionInfo

        public ConnectionInfo()
      • ConnectionInfo

        public ConnectionInfo​(ConnectionId connectionId)
    • Method Detail

      • getDataStructureType

        public byte getDataStructureType()
        The type of the data structure
      • setConnectionId

        public void setConnectionId​(ConnectionId connectionId)
      • getClientId

        public String getClientId()
      • setClientId

        public void setClientId​(String clientId)
      • createRemoveCommand

        public RemoveInfo createRemoveCommand()
      • getPassword

        public String getPassword()
      • setPassword

        public void setPassword​(String password)
      • getUserName

        public String getUserName()
      • setUserName

        public void setUserName​(String userName)
      • getBrokerPath

        public BrokerId[] getBrokerPath()
        The route of brokers the command has moved through.
      • setBrokerPath

        public void setBrokerPath​(BrokerId[] brokerPath)
      • isBrokerMasterConnector

        public boolean isBrokerMasterConnector()
      • setBrokerMasterConnector

        public void setBrokerMasterConnector​(boolean slaveBroker)
        slaveBroker - The brokerMasterConnector to set.
      • isManageable

        public boolean isManageable()
      • setManageable

        public void setManageable​(boolean manageable)
        manageable - The manageable to set.
      • getTransportContext

        public Object getTransportContext()
        Transports may wish to associate additional data with the connection. For example, an SSL transport may use this field to attach the client certificates used when the connection was established.
        the transport context.
      • setTransportContext

        public void setTransportContext​(Object transportContext)
        Transports may wish to associate additional data with the connection. For example, an SSL transport may use this field to attach the client certificates used when the connection was established.
        transportContext - value used to set the transport context
      • isClientMaster

        public boolean isClientMaster()
        the clientMaster
      • setClientMaster

        public void setClientMaster​(boolean clientMaster)
        clientMaster - the clientMaster to set
      • isFaultTolerant

        public boolean isFaultTolerant()
        the faultTolerant
      • setFaultTolerant

        public void setFaultTolerant​(boolean faultTolerant)
        faultTolerant - the faultTolerant to set
      • isFailoverReconnect

        public boolean isFailoverReconnect()
        failoverReconnect true if this is a reconnect
      • setFailoverReconnect

        public void setFailoverReconnect​(boolean failoverReconnect)
      • getClientIp

        public String getClientIp()
      • setClientIp

        public void setClientIp​(String clientIp)