Class AMQPMessageIdHelper

  • public class AMQPMessageIdHelper
    extends Object
    Helper class for identifying and converting message-id and correlation-id values between the AMQP types and the Strings values used by JMS.

    AMQP messages allow for 4 types of message-id/correlation-id: message-id-string, message-id-binary, message-id-uuid, or message-id-ulong. In order to accept or return a string representation of these for interoperability with other AMQP clients, the following encoding can be used after removing or before adding the "ID:" prefix used for a JMSMessageID value:
    "AMQP_BINARY:<hex representation of binary content>"
    "AMQP_UUID:<string representation of uuid>"
    "AMQP_ULONG:<string representation of ulong>"

    The AMQP_STRING encoding exists only for escaping message-id-string values that happen to begin with one of the encoding prefixes (including AMQP_STRING itself). It MUST NOT be used otherwise.

    When provided a string for conversion which attempts to identify itself as an encoded binary, uuid, or ulong but can't be converted into the indicated format, an exception will be thrown.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AMQPMessageIdHelper

        public AMQPMessageIdHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • toBaseMessageIdString

        public String toBaseMessageIdString​(Object messageId)
        Takes the provided AMQP messageId style object, and convert it to a base string. Encodes type information as a prefix where necessary to convey or escape the type of the provided object.
        messageId - the raw messageId object to process
        the base string to be used in creating the actual id.
      • toIdObject

        public Object toIdObject​(String baseId)
                          throws AmqpProtocolException
        Takes the provided base id string and return the appropriate amqp messageId style object. Converts the type based on any relevant encoding information found as a prefix.
        baseId - the object to be converted to an AMQP MessageId value.
        the AMQP messageId style object
        AmqpProtocolException - if the provided baseId String indicates an encoded type but can't be converted to that type.
      • convertHexStringToBinary

        public byte[] convertHexStringToBinary​(String hexString)
                                        throws IllegalArgumentException
        Convert the provided hex-string into a binary representation where each byte represents two characters of the hex string. The hex characters may be upper or lower case.
        hexString - string to convert to a binary value.
        a byte array containing the binary representation
        IllegalArgumentException - if the provided String is a non-even length or contains non-hex characters
      • convertBinaryToHexString

        public String convertBinaryToHexString​(byte[] bytes)
        Convert the provided binary into a hex-string representation where each character represents 4 bits of the provided binary, i.e each byte requires two characters. The returned hex characters are upper-case.
        bytes - the binary value to convert to a hex String instance.
        a String containing a hex representation of the bytes