
Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
decaf::util::concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor::AbortPolicyHandler policy for tasks that are rejected upon a call to ThreadPoolExecutor::execute this class always throws a RejectedExecutionException
decaf::util::AbstractCollection< E >This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Collection interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface
decaf::util::concurrent::AbstractExecutorServiceProvides a default implementation for the methods of the ExecutorService interface
decaf::util::AbstractList< E >This class provides a skeletal implementation of the List interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface backed by a "random access" data store (such as an array)
decaf::util::AbstractMap< K, V, COMPARATOR >This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Map interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface
decaf::util::concurrent::locks::AbstractOwnableSynchronizerBase class for locks that provide the notion of Ownership, the types of locks that are implemented using this base class would be owned by one specific Thread at any given time
decaf::util::AbstractQueue< E >This class provides skeletal implementations of some Queue operations
decaf::util::AbstractSequentialList< E >This class provides a skeletal implementation of the List interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface backed by a "sequential access" data store (such as a linked list)
decaf::util::AbstractSet< E >This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Set interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface
activemq::transport::AbstractTransportFactoryAbstract implementation of the TransportFactory interface, providing the base functionality that's common to most of the TransportFactory instances
activemq::core::ActiveMQAckHandlerInterface class that is used to give CMS Messages an interface to Ack themselves with
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ActiveMQBlobMessageMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQBlobMessageMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ActiveMQBytesMessageMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQBytesMessageMarshaller
activemq::core::ActiveMQConnectionConcrete connection used for all connectors to the ActiveMQ broker
activemq::core::ActiveMQConnectionMetaDataThis class houses all the various settings and information that is used by an instance of an ActiveMQConnection class
activemq::core::ActiveMQConstantsClass holding constant values for various ActiveMQ specific things Each constant is defined as an enumeration and has functions that convert back an forth between string and enum values
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ActiveMQDestinationMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQDestinationMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ActiveMQMapMessageMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQMapMessageMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ActiveMQMessageMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQMessageMarshaller
activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< T >
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ActiveMQObjectMessageMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQObjectMessageMarshaller
activemq::util::ActiveMQPropertiesImplementation of the CMSProperties interface that delegates to a decaf::util::Properties object
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ActiveMQQueueMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQQueueMarshaller
activemq::core::ActiveMQSessionExecutorDelegate dispatcher for a single session
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ActiveMQStreamMessageMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQStreamMessageMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ActiveMQTempDestinationMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTempDestinationMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ActiveMQTempQueueMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTempQueueMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ActiveMQTempTopicMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTempTopicMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ActiveMQTextMessageMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTextMessageMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ActiveMQTopicMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ActiveMQTopicMarshaller
activemq::core::ActiveMQTransactionContextTransaction Management class, hold messages that are to be redelivered upon a request to roll-back
decaf::util::zip::Adler32Clas that can be used to compute an Adler-32 Checksum for a data stream
decaf::lang::AppendableAn object to which char sequences and values can be appended
decaf::internal::AprPoolWraps an APR pool object so that classes in decaf can create a static member for use in static methods where apr function calls that need a pool are made
decaf::util::ArrayList< E >
decaf::util::concurrent::CopyOnWriteArrayList< E >::ArrayListIterator
decaf::lang::ArrayPointer< T, REFCOUNTER >Decaf's implementation of a Smart Pointer that is a template on a Type and is Thread Safe if the default Reference Counter is used
decaf::lang::ArrayPointerComparator< T, R >This implementation of Comparator is designed to allows objects in a Collection to be sorted or tested for equality based on the value of the value of the actual pointer to the array being contained in this ArrayPointer
decaf::util::concurrent::atomic::AtomicBooleanA boolean value that may be updated atomically
decaf::util::concurrent::atomic::AtomicIntegerAn int value that may be updated atomically
decaf::util::concurrent::atomic::AtomicReference< T >An Pointer reference that may be updated atomically
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::BaseCommandMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for BaseCommandMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::BaseDataStreamMarshallerBase class for all Marshallers that marshal DataStructures to and from the wire using the OpenWire protocol
decaf::io::BlockingByteArrayInputStreamThis is a blocking version of a byte buffer stream
decaf::util::concurrent::BlockingQueue< E >A decaf::util::Queue that additionally supports operations that wait for the queue to become non-empty when retrieving an element, and wait for space to become available in the queue when storing an element
activemq::wireformat::openwire::utils::BooleanStreamManages the writing and reading of boolean data streams to and from a data source such as a DataInputStream or DataOutputStream
activemq::commands::BrokerErrorThis class represents an Exception sent from the Broker
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::BrokerIdMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for BrokerIdMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::BrokerInfoMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for BrokerInfoMarshaller
decaf::nio::BufferA container for data of a specific primitive type
decaf::io::BufferedInputStreamA wrapper around another input stream that performs a buffered read, where it reads more data than it needs in order to reduce the number of io operations on the input stream
decaf::io::BufferedOutputStreamWrapper around another output stream that buffers output before writing to the target output stream
decaf::internal::nio::BufferFactoryFactory class used by static methods in the decaf::nio package to create the various default version of the NIO interfaces
decaf::internal::util::ByteArrayAdapterThis class adapts primitive type arrays to a base byte array so that the classes can inter-operate on the same base byte array without copying data
decaf::internal::nio::ByteArrayBufferThis class defines six categories of operations upon byte buffers:
decaf::io::ByteArrayInputStreamA ByteArrayInputStream contains an internal buffer that contains bytes that may be read from the stream
decaf::nio::ByteBufferThis class defines six categories of operations upon byte buffers:
cms::BytesMessageA BytesMessage object is used to send a message containing a stream of unsigned bytes
activemq::cmsutil::CachedConsumerA cached message consumer contained within a pooled session
activemq::cmsutil::CachedProducerA cached message producer contained within a pooled session
decaf::util::concurrent::Callable< V >A task that returns a result and may throw an exception
decaf::util::concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor::CallerRunsPolicyHandler policy for tasks that are rejected upon a call to ThreadPoolExecutor::execute this class will attempt to run the task in the Thread that called the execute method unless the executor is shutdown in which case the task is not run and is destroyed
decaf::security::cert::CertificateBase interface for all identity certificates
decaf::nio::CharBufferThis class defines four categories of operations upon character buffers:
decaf::lang::CharSequenceA CharSequence is a readable sequence of char values
decaf::util::zip::CheckedInputStreamAn implementation of a FilterInputStream that will maintain a Checksum of the bytes read, the Checksum can then be used to verify the integrity of the input stream
decaf::util::zip::CheckedOutputStreamAn implementation of a FilterOutputStream that will maintain a Checksum of the bytes written, the Checksum can then be used to verify the integrity of the output stream
decaf::util::zip::ChecksumAn interface used to represent Checksum values in the Zip package
cms::CloseableInterface for a class that implements the close method
decaf::io::CloseableInterface for a class that implements the close method
activemq::cmsutil::CmsAccessorBase class for activemq.cmsutil.CmsTemplate and other CMS-accessing gateway helpers, defining common properties such as the CMS cms.ConnectionFactory to operate on
activemq::cmsutil::CmsDestinationAccessorExtends the CmsAccessor to add support for resolving destination names
cms::CMSExceptionCMS API Exception that is the base for all exceptions thrown from CMS classes
cms::CMSPropertiesInterface for a Java-like properties object
cms::CMSSecurityExceptionThis exception must be thrown when a provider rejects a user name/password submitted by a client
activemq::cmsutil::CmsTemplateCmsTemplate simplifies performing synchronous CMS operations
decaf::util::Collection< E >The root interface in the collection hierarchy
activemq::state::CommandVisitorInterface for an Object that can visit the various Command Objects that are sent from and to this client
activemq::state::CommandVisitorAdapterDefault Implementation of a CommandVisitor that returns NULL for all calls
decaf::lang::Comparable< T >This interface imposes a total ordering on the objects of each class that implements it
decaf::util::Comparator< T >A comparison function, which imposes a total ordering on some collection of objects
activemq::util::CompositeDataRepresents a Composite URI
activemq::threads::CompositeTaskRepresents a single task that can be part of a set of Tasks that are contained in a CompositeTaskRunner
activemq::threads::CompositeTaskRunnerA Task Runner that can contain one or more CompositeTasks that are each checked for pending work and run if any is present in the order that the tasks were added
activemq::transport::CompositeTransportA Composite Transport is a Transport implementation that is composed of several Transports
decaf::util::concurrent::ConcurrentMap< K, V, COMPARATOR >Interface for a Map type that provides additional atomic putIfAbsent, remove, and replace methods alongside the already available Map interface
decaf::util::concurrent::ConcurrentStlMap< K, V, COMPARATOR >Map template that wraps around a std::map to provide a more user-friendly interface and to provide common functions that do not exist in std::map
decaf::util::concurrent::locks::ConditionCondition factors out the Mutex monitor methods (wait, notify and notifyAll) into distinct objects to give the effect of having multiple wait-sets per object, by combining them with the use of arbitrary Lock implementations
cms::ConnectionThe client's connection to its provider
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ConnectionControlMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ConnectionControlMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ConnectionErrorMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ConnectionErrorMarshaller
cms::ConnectionFactoryDefines the interface for a factory that creates connection objects, the Connection objects returned implement the CMS Connection interface and hide the CMS Provider specific implementation details behind that interface
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ConnectionIdMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ConnectionIdMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ConnectionInfoMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ConnectionInfoMarshaller
cms::ConnectionMetaDataA ConnectionMetaData object provides information describing the Connection object
decaf::util::logging::ConsoleHandlerThis Handler publishes log records to System.err
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ConsumerControlMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ConsumerControlMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ConsumerIdMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ConsumerIdMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ConsumerInfoMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ConsumerInfoMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ControlCommandMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ControlCommandMarshaller
decaf::util::concurrent::CopyOnWriteArrayList< E >
decaf::util::concurrent::CopyOnWriteArraySet< E >Since the CopyOnWriteArraySet and the CopyOnWriteArrayList share much of the same operational semantics this class uses the CopyOnWriteArrayList for all its underlying operations
decaf::util::zip::CRC32Class that can be used to compute a CRC-32 checksum for a data stream
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::DataArrayResponseMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for DataArrayResponseMarshaller
decaf::net::DatagramPacketClass that represents a single datagram packet
decaf::io::DataInputThe DataInput interface provides for reading bytes from a binary stream and reconstructing from them data in any of the C++ primitive types
decaf::io::DataInputStreamA data input stream lets an application read primitive Java data types from an underlying input stream in a machine-independent way
decaf::io::DataOutputThe DataOutput interface provides for converting data from any of the C++ primitive types to a series of bytes and writing these bytes to a binary stream
decaf::io::DataOutputStreamA data output stream lets an application write primitive Java data types to an output stream in a portable way
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::DataResponseMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for DataResponseMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::DataStreamMarshallerBase class for all classes that marshal commands for Openwire
decaf::util::DateWrapper class around a time value in milliseconds
decaf::internal::DecafRuntimeHandles APR initialization and termination
decaf::internal::net::DefaultServerSocketFactoryDefault implementation of the Decaf ServerSocketFactory, creates ServerSocket objects with supplied options
decaf::internal::net::DefaultSocketFactorySocketFactory implementation that is used to create Sockets
decaf::internal::net::ssl::DefaultSSLContextDefault SSLContext manager for the Decaf library
decaf::internal::net::ssl::DefaultSSLServerSocketFactoryDefault implementation of the SSLServerSocketFactory, this factory throws an Exception from all its create methods to indicate that SSL is not supported, this factory is used when OpenSSL is not enabled in the builds
decaf::internal::net::ssl::DefaultSSLSocketFactoryDefault implementation of the SSLSocketFactory, this factory throws an Exception from all its create methods to indicate that SSL is not supported, this factory is used when OpenSSL is not enabled in the builds
activemq::transport::DefaultTransportListenerA Utility class that create empty implementations for the TransportListener interface so that a subclass only needs to override the one's its interested
decaf::util::zip::DeflaterThis class compresses data using the DEFLATE algorithm (see specification)
decaf::util::zip::DeflaterOutputStreamProvides a FilterOutputStream instance that compresses the data before writing it to the wrapped OutputStream
decaf::util::concurrent::DelayedA mix-in style interface for marking objects that should be acted upon after a given delay
cms::DeliveryModeThis is an Abstract class whose purpose is to provide a container for the delivery mode enumeration for CMS messages
decaf::util::Deque< E >Defines a 'Double ended Queue' interface that allows for insertion and removal of elements from both ends
cms::DestinationA Destination object encapsulates a provider-specific address
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::DestinationInfoMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for DestinationInfoMarshaller
activemq::cmsutil::DestinationResolverResolves a CMS destination name to a Destination
decaf::util::concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor::CallerRunsPolicy::DiscardOldestPolicyHandler policy for tasks that are rejected upon a call to ThreadPoolExecutor::execute this class always destroys the oldest unexecuted task in the Queue and then attempts to execute the rejected task using the passed in executor
decaf::util::concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor::CallerRunsPolicy::DiscardPolicyHandler policy for tasks that are rejected upon a call to ThreadPoolExecutor::execute this class always destroys the rejected task and returns quietly
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::DiscoveryEventMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for DiscoveryEventMarshaller
activemq::core::DispatchDataSimple POCO that contains the information necessary to route a message to a specified consumer
activemq::core::DispatcherInterface for an object responsible for dispatching messages to consumers
decaf::nio::DoubleBufferThis class defines four categories of operations upon double buffers:
activemq::cmsutil::DynamicDestinationResolverResolves a CMS destination name to a Destination
decaf::util::Map< K, V, COMPARATOR >::Entry
decaf::util::logging::ErrorManagerErrorManager objects can be attached to Handlers to process any error that occur on a Handler during Logging
cms::ExceptionListenerIf a CMS provider detects a serious problem, it notifies the client application through an ExceptionListener that is registered with the Connection
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ExceptionResponseMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ExceptionResponseMarshaller
decaf::util::concurrent::ExecutorAn object that executes submitted decaf.lang.Runnable tasks
decaf::util::concurrent::ExecutorsImplements a set of utilities for use with Executors, ExecutorService, ThreadFactory, and Callable types, as well as providing factory methods for instance of these types configured for the most common use cases
decaf::util::concurrent::ExecutorServiceAn Executor that provides methods to manage termination and methods that can produce a Future for tracking progress of one or more asynchronous tasks
activemq::transport::failover::FailoverTransportFactoryCreates an instance of a FailoverTransport
activemq::transport::failover::FailoverTransportListenerUtility class used by the Transport to perform the work of responding to events from the active Transport
decaf::io::FileDescriptorThis class servers as an opaque wrapper around an underlying OS level resource that can be used as a source / sink for byte level data such as sockets and files
decaf::util::logging::FilterA Filter can be used to provide fine grain control over what is logged, beyond the control provided by log levels
decaf::io::FilterInputStreamA FilterInputStream contains some other input stream, which it uses as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality
decaf::io::FilterOutputStreamThis class is the superclass of all classes that filter output streams
decaf::nio::FloatBufferThis class defines four categories of operations upon float buffers:
decaf::io::FlushableA Flushable is a destination of data that can be flushed
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::FlushCommandMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for FlushCommandMarshaller
decaf::util::logging::FormatterA Formatter provides support for formatting LogRecords
decaf::util::concurrent::Future< V >A Future represents the result of an asynchronous computation
activemq::transport::correlator::FutureResponseA container that holds a response object
decaf::internal::util::GenericResource< T >A Generic Resource wraps some type and will delete it when the Resource itself is deleted
decaf::util::logging::HandlerA Handler object takes log messages from a Logger and exports them
activemq::wireformat::openwire::utils::HexTableMaps hexidecimal strings to the value of an index into the table, i.e
cms::IllegalStateExceptionThis exception is thrown when a method is invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time or if the provider is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation
decaf::net::InetAddressRepresents an IP address
decaf::util::zip::InflaterThis class uncompresses data that was compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm (see specification)
decaf::util::zip::InflaterInputStreamA FilterInputStream that decompresses data read from the wrapped InputStream instance
decaf::io::InputStreamA base class that must be implemented by all classes wishing to provide a class that reads in a stream of bytes
decaf::io::InputStreamReaderAn InputStreamReader is a bridge from byte streams to character streams
decaf::nio::IntBufferThis class defines four categories of operations upon int buffers:
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::IntegerResponseMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for IntegerResponseMarshaller
activemq::transport::mock::InternalCommandListenerListens for Commands sent from the MockTransport
cms::InvalidClientIdExceptionThis exception must be thrown when a client attempts to set a connection's client ID to a value that is rejected by a provider
cms::InvalidDestinationExceptionThis exception must be thrown when a destination either is not understood by a provider or is no longer valid
cms::InvalidSelectorExceptionThis exception must be thrown when a CMS client attempts to give a provider a message selector with invalid syntax
activemq::transport::IOTransportImplementation of the Transport interface that performs marshaling of commands to IO streams
decaf::lang::Iterable< E >Implementing this interface allows an object to be cast to an Iterable type for generic collections API calls
decaf::util::Iterator< E >Defines an object that can be used to iterate over the elements of a collection
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::JournalQueueAckMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for JournalQueueAckMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::JournalTopicAckMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for JournalTopicAckMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::JournalTraceMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for JournalTraceMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::JournalTransactionMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for JournalTransactionMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::KeepAliveInfoMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for KeepAliveInfoMarshaller
decaf::security::KeyThe Key interface is the top-level interface for all keys
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::LastPartialCommandMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for LastPartialCommandMarshaller
decaf::util::comparators::Less< E >Simple Less Comparator that compares to elements to determine if the first is less than the second
std::less< decaf::lang::ArrayPointer< T > >An override of the less function object so that the Pointer objects can be stored in STL Maps, etc
std::less< decaf::lang::Pointer< T > >An override of the less function object so that the Pointer objects can be stored in STL Maps, etc
decaf::util::logging::LevelDefines a set of standard logging levels that can be used to control logging output
decaf::util::concurrent::LinkedBlockingQueue< E >A BlockingQueue derivative that allows for a bound to be placed on the number of elements that can be enqueued at any one time
decaf::util::LinkedList< E >A complete implementation of the List interface using a doubly linked list data structure
decaf::util::List< E >An ordered collection (also known as a sequence)
decaf::util::ListIterator< E >An iterator for lists that allows the programmer to traverse the list in either direction, modify the list during iteration, and obtain the iterator's current position in the list
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::LocalTransactionIdMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for LocalTransactionIdMarshaller
decaf::util::concurrent::LockA wrapper class around a given synchronization mechanism that provides automatic release upon destruction
decaf::util::concurrent::locks::LockLock implementations provide more extensive locking operations than can be obtained using synchronized statements
decaf::util::concurrent::locks::LockSupportBasic thread blocking primitives for creating locks and other synchronization classes
decaf::util::logging::LoggerA Logger object is used to log messages for a specific system or application component
activemq::io::LoggingOutputStreamOutputStream filter that just logs the data being written
activemq::transport::logging::LoggingTransportA transport filter that logs commands as they are sent/received
decaf::util::logging::LogManagerThere is a single global LogManager object that is used to maintain a set of shared state about Loggers and log services
decaf::util::logging::LogRecordLogRecord objects are used to pass logging requests between the logging framework and individual log Handlers
decaf::nio::LongBufferThis class defines four categories of operations upon long long buffers:
activemq::util::LongSequenceGeneratorThis class is used to generate a sequence of long long values that are incremented each time a new value is requested
decaf::util::Map< K, V, COMPARATOR >Map template that wraps around a std::map to provide a more user-friendly interface and to provide common functions that do not exist in std::map
cms::MapMessageA MapMessage object is used to send a set of name-value pairs
decaf::util::logging::MarkBlockLoggerDefines a class that can be used to mark the entry and exit from scoped blocks
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::MarshallerFactoryUsed to create marshallers for a specific version of the wire protocol
decaf::lang::MathThe class Math contains methods for performing basic numeric operations such as the elementary exponential, logarithm, square root, and trigonometric functions
cms::MessageRoot of all messages
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::MessageAckMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for MessageAckMarshaller
cms::MessageConsumerA client uses a MessageConsumer to received messages from a destination
activemq::cmsutil::MessageCreatorCreates the user-defined message to be sent by the CmsTemplate
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::MessageDispatchMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for MessageDispatchMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::MessageDispatchNotificationMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for MessageDispatchNotificationMarshaller
cms::MessageEnumerationDefines an object that enumerates a collection of Messages
cms::MessageEOFExceptionThis exception must be thrown when an unexpected end of stream has been reached when a StreamMessage or BytesMessage is being read
cms::MessageFormatExceptionThis exception must be thrown when a CMS client attempts to use a data type not supported by a message or attempts to read data in a message as the wrong type
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::MessageIdMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for MessageIdMarshaller
cms::MessageListenerA MessageListener object is used to receive asynchronously delivered messages
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::MessageMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for MessageMarshaller
cms::MessageNotReadableExceptionThis exception must be thrown when a CMS client attempts to read a write-only message
cms::MessageNotWriteableExceptionThis exception must be thrown when a CMS client attempts to write to a read-only message
cms::MessageProducerA client uses a MessageProducer object to send messages to a Destination
activemq::wireformat::openwire::utils::MessagePropertyInterceptorUsed the base ActiveMQMessage class to intercept calls to get and set properties in order to capture the calls that use the reserved JMS properties and get and set them in the OpenWire Message properties
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::MessagePullMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for MessagePullMarshaller
activemq::transport::mock::MockTransportThe MockTransport defines a base level Transport class that is intended to be used in place of an a regular protocol Transport suck as TCP
activemq::transport::mock::MockTransportFactoryManufactures MockTransports, which are objects that read from input streams and write to output streams
decaf::util::concurrent::MutexMutex object that offers recursive support on all platforms as well as providing the ability to use the standard wait / notify pattern used in languages like Java
decaf::internal::net::NetworkInternal class used to manage Networking related resources and hide platform dependent calls from the higher level API
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::NetworkBridgeFilterMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for NetworkBridgeFilterMarshaller
decaf::lang::NumberThe abstract class Number is the superclass of classes Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, and Short
cms::ObjectMessagePlace holder for interaction with JMS systems that support Java, the C++ client is not responsible for deserializing the contained Object
decaf::internal::net::ssl::openssl::OpenSSLContextSpiProvides an SSLContext that wraps the OpenSSL API
decaf::internal::net::ssl::openssl::OpenSSLParametersContainer class for parameters that are Common to OpenSSL socket classes
decaf::internal::net::ssl::openssl::OpenSSLServerSocketSSLServerSocket based on OpenSSL library code
decaf::internal::net::ssl::openssl::OpenSSLServerSocketFactorySSLServerSocketFactory that creates Server Sockets that use OpenSSL
decaf::internal::net::ssl::openssl::OpenSSLSocketWraps a a Normal Socket object and extends or overrides functions in that class to make use of the OpenSSL Socket API
decaf::internal::net::ssl::openssl::OpenSSLSocketExceptionSubclass of the standard SocketException that knows how to produce an error message from the OpenSSL error stack
decaf::internal::net::ssl::openssl::OpenSSLSocketFactoryClient Socket Factory that creates SSL based client sockets using the OpenSSL library
decaf::internal::net::ssl::openssl::OpenSSLSocketInputStreamAn output stream for reading data from an OpenSSL Socket instance
decaf::internal::net::ssl::openssl::OpenSSLSocketOutputStreamOutputStream implementation used to write data to an OpenSSLSocket instance
activemq::wireformat::openwire::OpenWireResponseBuilderUsed to allow a MockTransport to generate response commands to OpenWire Commands
decaf::io::OutputStreamBase interface for any class that wants to represent an output stream of bytes
decaf::io::OutputStreamWriterA class for turning a character stream into a byte stream
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::PartialCommandMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for PartialCommandMarshaller
decaf::lang::Pointer< T, REFCOUNTER >Decaf's implementation of a Smart Pointer that is a template on a Type and is Thread Safe if the default Reference Counter is used
decaf::lang::PointerComparator< T, R >This implementation of Comparator is designed to allows objects in a Collection to be sorted or tested for equality based on the value of the Object being Pointed to and not the value of the contained pointer in the Pointer instance
activemq::cmsutil::PooledSessionA pooled session object that wraps around a delegate session
activemq::core::PrefetchPolicyInterface for a Policy object that controls message Prefetching on various destination types in ActiveMQ-CPP
activemq::util::PrimitiveListList of primitives
activemq::util::PrimitiveMapMap of named primitives
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::PrimitiveTypesMarshallerThis class wraps the functionality needed to marshal a primitive map to the Openwire Format's expectation of what the map looks like on the wire
activemq::util::PrimitiveValueNode::PrimitiveValueDefine a union type comprised of the various types
activemq::util::PrimitiveValueConverterClass controls the conversion of data contained in a PrimitiveValueNode from one type to another
activemq::util::PrimitiveValueNodeClass that wraps around a single value of one of the many types
decaf::security::PrincipalBase interface for a principal, which can represent an individual or organization
decaf::util::PriorityQueue< E >An unbounded priority queue based on a binary heap algorithm
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ProducerAckMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ProducerAckMarshaller
activemq::cmsutil::ProducerCallbackCallback for sending a message to a CMS destination
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ProducerIdMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ProducerIdMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ProducerInfoMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ProducerInfoMarshaller
decaf::util::PropertiesJava-like properties class for mapping string names to string values
decaf::util::logging::PropertiesChangeListenerDefines the interface that classes can use to listen for change events on Properties
decaf::security::PublicKeyA public key
decaf::io::PushbackInputStreamA PushbackInputStream adds functionality to another input stream, namely the ability to "push back" or "unread" one byte
cms::QueueAn interface encapsulating a provider-specific queue name
decaf::util::Queue< E >A kind of collection provides advanced operations than other basic collections, such as insertion, extraction, and inspection
cms::QueueBrowserThis class implements in interface for browsing the messages in a Queue without removing them
decaf::util::RandomRandom Value Generator which is used to generate a stream of pseudorandom numbers
decaf::lang::ReadableA Readable is a source of characters
activemq::transport::inactivity::ReadCheckerRunnable class that is used by the {
decaf::util::concurrent::locks::ReadWriteLockA ReadWriteLock maintains a pair of associated locks, one for read-only operations and one for writing
activemq::core::RedeliveryPolicyInterface for a RedeliveryPolicy object that controls how message Redelivery is handled in ActiveMQ-CPP when a transaction is rolled back
decaf::util::concurrent::locks::ReentrantLockA reentrant mutual exclusion Lock with extended capabilities
decaf::util::concurrent::RejectedExecutionHandlerA handler for tasks that cannot be executed by a ThreadPoolExecutor
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::RemoveInfoMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for RemoveInfoMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::RemoveSubscriptionInfoMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for RemoveSubscriptionInfoMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ReplayCommandMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ReplayCommandMarshaller
decaf::internal::util::ResourceInterface for all Managed Resources in Decaf, these objects are added to the Runtime System and are destroyed at shutdown
activemq::cmsutil::ResourceLifecycleManagerManages the lifecycle of a set of CMS resources
activemq::transport::mock::ResponseBuilderInterface for all Protocols to implement that defines the behavior of the Broker in response to messages of that protocol
activemq::transport::correlator::ResponseCorrelatorThis type of transport filter is responsible for correlating asynchronous responses with requests
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ResponseMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ResponseMarshaller
decaf::lang::RunnableInterface for a runnable object - defines a task that can be run by a thread
activemq::threads::SchedulerScheduler class for use in executing Runnable Tasks either periodically or one time only with optional delay
activemq::threads::SchedulerTimerTaskExtension of the Decaf TimerTask that adds a Runnable instance which is the target of this task
decaf::internal::security::SecureRandomImplSecure Random Number Generator for Unix based platforms that attempts to obtain secure bytes with high entropy from known sources
decaf::security::SecureRandomSpiInterface class used by Security Service Providers to implement a source of secure random bytes
decaf::util::concurrent::SemaphoreA counting semaphore
decaf::net::ServerSocketThis class implements server sockets
decaf::net::ServerSocketFactoryClass used to create Server Sockets, subclasses can be created that create certain types of server sockets according to specific policies
activemq::util::ServiceBase interface for all classes that run as a Service inside the application
activemq::util::ServiceListenerListener interface for observers of Service related events
activemq::util::ServiceSupportProvides a base class for Service implementations
cms::SessionA Session object is a single-threaded context for producing and consuming messages
activemq::cmsutil::SessionCallbackCallback for executing any number of operations on a provided CMS Session
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::SessionIdMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for SessionIdMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::SessionInfoMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for SessionInfoMarshaller
activemq::cmsutil::SessionPoolA pool of CMS sessions from the same connection and with the same acknowledge mode
decaf::util::Set< E >A collection that contains no duplicate elements
decaf::nio::ShortBufferThis class defines four categories of operations upon short buffers:
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::ShutdownInfoMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for ShutdownInfoMarshaller
decaf::util::logging::SimpleFormatterPrint a brief summary of the LogRecord in a human readable format
decaf::net::SocketAddressBase class for protocol specific Socket addresses
decaf::net::SocketErrorStatic utility class to simplify handling of error codes for socket operations
decaf::net::SocketExceptionException for errors when manipulating sockets
decaf::net::SocketFactoryThe SocketFactory is used to create Socket objects and can be sub-classed to provide other types of Sockets or Sockets with varying configurations
decaf::internal::net::SocketFileDescriptorFile Descriptor type used internally by Decaf Socket objects
decaf::net::SocketImplActs as a base class for all physical Socket implementations
decaf::net::SocketImplFactoryFactory class interface for a Factory that creates ScoketImpl objects
decaf::net::ssl::SSLContextRepresents on implementation of the Secure Socket Layer for streaming based sockets
decaf::net::ssl::SSLContextSpiDefines the interface that should be provided by an SSLContext provider
decaf::net::ssl::SSLServerSocketRepresents a server socket that is used to accept connections from clients using the Secure Sockets protocol or the Top Level Security protocol
decaf::net::ssl::SSLServerSocketFactoryFactory class interface that provides methods to create SSL Server Sockets
decaf::net::ssl::SSLSocketFactoryFactory class interface for a SocketFactory that can create SSLSocket objects
activemq::transport::tcp::SslTransportTransport for connecting to a Broker using an SSL Socket
decaf::internal::io::StandardErrorOutputStreamWrapper Around the Standard error Output facility on the current platform
cms::StartableInterface for a class that implements the start method
decaf::util::StlList< E >List class that wraps the STL list object to provide a simpler interface and additional methods not provided by the STL type
decaf::util::StlMap< K, V, COMPARATOR >Map template that wraps around a std::map to provide a more user-friendly interface and to provide common functions that do not exist in std::map
decaf::util::StlQueue< T >The Queue class accepts messages with an psuh(m) command where m is the message to be queued
decaf::util::StlSet< E >Set template that wraps around a std::set to provide a more user-friendly interface and to provide common functions that do not exist in std::set
activemq::wireformat::stomp::StompFrameA Stomp-level message frame that encloses all messages to and from the broker
activemq::wireformat::stomp::StompHelperUtility Methods used when marshaling to and from StompFrame's
activemq::wireformat::stomp::StompWireFormatFactoryFactory used to create the Stomp Wire Format instance
cms::StoppableInterface for a class that implements the stop method
decaf::util::logging::StreamHandlerStream based logging Handler
cms::StreamMessageInterface for a StreamMessage
decaf::lang::StringImmutable sequence of chars
decaf::util::StringTokenizerClass that allows for parsing of string based on Tokens
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::SubscriptionInfoMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for SubscriptionInfoMarshaller
decaf::util::concurrent::SynchronizableThe interface for all synchronizable objects (that is, objects that can be locked and unlocked)
decaf::internal::util::concurrent::SynchronizableImplA convenience class used by some Decaf classes to implement the Synchronizable interface when there is no issues related to multiple inheritance
activemq::core::SynchronizationTransacted Object Synchronization, used to sync the events of a Transaction with the items in the Transaction
decaf::util::concurrent::SynchronousQueue< E >A blocking queue in which each insert operation must wait for a corresponding remove operation by another thread, and vice versa
decaf::lang::SystemStatic methods for accessing system level resources and performing some system dependent tasks such as looking up environment values and copying memory and arrays
activemq::threads::TaskRepresents a unit of work that requires one or more iterations to complete
decaf::internal::net::tcp::TcpSocketPlatform-independent implementation of the socket interface
decaf::internal::net::tcp::TcpSocketInputStreamInput stream for performing reads on a socket
decaf::internal::net::tcp::TcpSocketOutputStreamOutput stream for performing write operations on a socket
activemq::transport::tcp::TcpTransportImplements a TCP/IP based transport filter, this transport is meant to wrap an instance of an IOTransport
activemq::transport::tcp::TcpTransportFactoryFactory Responsible for creating the TcpTransport
cms::TemporaryQueueDefines a Temporary Queue based Destination
cms::TemporaryTopicDefines a Temporary Topic based Destination
cms::TextMessageInterface for a text message
decaf::lang::ThreadA Thread is a concurrent unit of execution
decaf::util::concurrent::ThreadFactoryPublic interface ThreadFactory
decaf::util::concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutorDefines a Thread Pool object that implements the functionality of pooling threads to perform user tasks
decaf::lang::ThrowableThis class represents an error that has occurred
decaf::util::TimerA facility for threads to schedule tasks for future execution in a background thread
decaf::util::TimerTaskA Base class for a task object that can be scheduled for one-time or repeated execution by a Timer
decaf::internal::util::TimerTaskHeapA Binary Heap implemented specifically for the Timer class in Decaf Util
decaf::util::concurrent::TimeUnitA TimeUnit represents time durations at a given unit of granularity and provides utility methods to convert across units, and to perform timing and delay operations in these units
cms::TopicAn interface encapsulating a provider-specific topic name
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::TransactionIdMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for TransactionIdMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::TransactionInfoMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for TransactionInfoMarshaller
cms::TransactionInProgressExceptionThis exception is thrown when an operation is invalid because a transaction is in progress
cms::TransactionRolledBackExceptionThis exception must be thrown when a call to Session.commit results in a rollback of the current transaction
decaf::internal::util::concurrent::Transferer< E >Shared internal API for dual stacks and queues
decaf::internal::util::concurrent::TransferQueue< E >This extends Scherer-Scott dual queue algorithm, differing, among other ways, by using modes within nodes rather than marked pointers
decaf::internal::util::concurrent::TransferStack< E >
activemq::transport::TransportInterface for a transport layer for command objects
activemq::transport::TransportFactoryDefines the interface for Factories that create Transports or TransportFilters
activemq::transport::TransportFilterA filter on the transport layer
activemq::transport::TransportListenerA listener of asynchronous exceptions from a command transport object
activemq::transport::TransportRegistryRegistry of all Transport Factories that are available to the client at runtime
decaf::lang::Thread::UncaughtExceptionHandlerInterface for handlers invoked when a Thread abruptly terminates due to an uncaught exception
decaf::io::UnsupportedEncodingExceptionThrown when the the Character Encoding is not supported
cms::UnsupportedOperationExceptionThis exception must be thrown when a CMS client attempts use a CMS method that is not implemented or not supported by the CMS Provider in use
decaf::net::URIThis class represents an instance of a URI as defined by RFC 2396
decaf::internal::net::URIHelperHelper class used by the URI classes in encoding and decoding of URI's
decaf::internal::net::URITypeBasic type object that holds data that composes a given URI
decaf::net::URLClass URL represents a Uniform Resource Locator, a pointer to a "resource" on the World Wide Web
decaf::io::UTFDataFormatExceptionThrown from classes that attempt to read or write a UTF-8 encoded string and an encoding error is encountered
decaf::util::UUIDA class that represents an immutable universally unique identifier (UUID)
activemq::wireformat::WireFormatProvides a mechanism to marshal commands into and out of packets or into and out of streams, Channels and Datagrams
activemq::wireformat::WireFormatFactoryThe WireFormatFactory is the interface that all WireFormatFactory classes must extend
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::WireFormatInfoMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for WireFormatInfoMarshaller
activemq::wireformat::WireFormatNegotiatorDefines a WireFormatNegotiator which allows a WireFormat to
activemq::wireformat::WireFormatRegistryRegistry of all WireFormat Factories that are available to the client at runtime
activemq::transport::inactivity::WriteCheckerRunnable class used by the {
decaf::security::cert::X509CertificateBase interface for all identity certificates
cms::XAConnectionThe XAConnection interface defines an extended Connection type that is used to create XASession objects
cms::XAConnectionFactoryThe XAConnectionFactory interface is specialized interface that defines an ConnectionFactory that creates Connection instance that will participate in XA Transactions
cms::XAExceptionThe XAException is thrown by the Resource Manager (RM) to inform the Transaction Manager of an error encountered by the involved transaction
cms::XAResourceThe XAResource interface is a CMS mapping of the industry standard XA interface based on the X/Open CAE Specification (Distributed Transaction Processing: The XA Specification)
cms::XASessionThe XASession interface extends the capability of Session by adding access to a CMS provider's support for the operating inside an XA Transaction (optional)
activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::XATransactionIdMarshallerMarshaling code for Open Wire Format for XATransactionIdMarshaller
cms::XidAn interface which provides a mapping for the X/Open XID transaction identifier structure
decaf::util::logging::XMLFormatterFormat a LogRecord into a standard XML format