
activemq::cmsutil::SessionPool Class Reference

A pool of CMS sessions from the same connection and with the same acknowledge mode. More...

#include <src/main/activemq/cmsutil/SessionPool.h>

Public Member Functions

 SessionPool (cms::Connection *connection, cms::Session::AcknowledgeMode ackMode, ResourceLifecycleManager *resourceLifecycleManager)
 Constructs a session pool.
virtual ~SessionPool ()
 Destroys the pooled session objects, but not the underlying session resources.
virtual PooledSessiontakeSession ()
 Takes a session from the pool, creating one if necessary.
virtual void returnSession (PooledSession *session)
 Returns a session to the pool.
ResourceLifecycleManagergetResourceLifecycleManager ()

Detailed Description

A pool of CMS sessions from the same connection and with the same acknowledge mode.

Internal session resources are managed through a provided ResourceLifecycleManager, not by this pool. This class is thread-safe.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

activemq::cmsutil::SessionPool::SessionPool ( cms::Connection connection,
cms::Session::AcknowledgeMode  ackMode,
ResourceLifecycleManager resourceLifecycleManager 

Constructs a session pool.

connectionthe connection to be used for creating all sessions.
ackModethe acknowledge mode to be used for all sessions
resourceLifecycleManagerthe object responsible for managing the lifecycle of any allocated cms::Session resources.
virtual activemq::cmsutil::SessionPool::~SessionPool ( ) [virtual]

Destroys the pooled session objects, but not the underlying session resources.

That is the job of the ResourceLifecycleManager.

Member Function Documentation

ResourceLifecycleManager* activemq::cmsutil::SessionPool::getResourceLifecycleManager ( ) [inline]
virtual void activemq::cmsutil::SessionPool::returnSession ( PooledSession session) [virtual]

Returns a session to the pool.

sessionthe session to be returned.
virtual PooledSession* activemq::cmsutil::SessionPool::takeSession ( ) [virtual]

Takes a session from the pool, creating one if necessary.

the pooled session object
CMSExceptionif an error occurred

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