
cms::Message Class Reference

Root of all messages. More...

#include <src/main/cms/Message.h>

Inheritance diagram for cms::Message:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~Message ()
virtual Messageclone () const =0
 Clone this message exactly, returns a new instance that the caller is required to delete.
virtual void acknowledge () const =0
 Acknowledges all consumed messages of the session of this consumed message.
virtual void clearBody ()=0
 Clears out the body of the message.
virtual void clearProperties ()=0
 Clears out the message body.
virtual std::vector< std::string > getPropertyNames () const =0
 Retrieves the property names.
virtual bool propertyExists (const std::string &name) const =0
 Indicates whether or not a given property exists.
virtual bool getBooleanProperty (const std::string &name) const =0
 Gets a boolean property.
virtual unsigned char getByteProperty (const std::string &name) const =0
 Gets a byte property.
virtual double getDoubleProperty (const std::string &name) const =0
 Gets a double property.
virtual float getFloatProperty (const std::string &name) const =0
 Gets a float property.
virtual int getIntProperty (const std::string &name) const =0
 Gets a int property.
virtual long long getLongProperty (const std::string &name) const =0
 Gets a long property.
virtual short getShortProperty (const std::string &name) const =0
 Gets a short property.
virtual std::string getStringProperty (const std::string &name) const =0
 Gets a string property.
virtual void setBooleanProperty (const std::string &name, bool value)=0
 Sets a boolean property.
virtual void setByteProperty (const std::string &name, unsigned char value)=0
 Sets a byte property.
virtual void setDoubleProperty (const std::string &name, double value)=0
 Sets a double property.
virtual void setFloatProperty (const std::string &name, float value)=0
 Sets a float property.
virtual void setIntProperty (const std::string &name, int value)=0
 Sets a int property.
virtual void setLongProperty (const std::string &name, long long value)=0
 Sets a long property.
virtual void setShortProperty (const std::string &name, short value)=0
 Sets a short property.
virtual void setStringProperty (const std::string &name, const std::string &value)=0
 Sets a string property.
virtual std::string getCMSCorrelationID () const =0
 Gets the correlation ID for the message.
virtual void setCMSCorrelationID (const std::string &correlationId)=0
 Sets the correlation ID for the message.
virtual int getCMSDeliveryMode () const =0
 Gets the DeliveryMode for this message.
virtual void setCMSDeliveryMode (int mode)=0
 Sets the DeliveryMode for this message.
virtual const DestinationgetCMSDestination () const =0
 Gets the Destination object for this message.
virtual void setCMSDestination (const Destination *destination)=0
 Sets the Destination object for this message.
virtual long long getCMSExpiration () const =0
 Gets the message's expiration value.
virtual void setCMSExpiration (long long expireTime)=0
 Sets the message's expiration value.
virtual std::string getCMSMessageID () const =0
 The CMSMessageID header field contains a value that uniquely identifies each message sent by a provider.
virtual void setCMSMessageID (const std::string &id)=0
 Sets the message ID.
virtual int getCMSPriority () const =0
 Gets the message priority level.
virtual void setCMSPriority (int priority)=0
 Sets the Priority Value for this message.
virtual bool getCMSRedelivered () const =0
 Gets an indication of whether this message is being redelivered.
virtual void setCMSRedelivered (bool redelivered)=0
 Specifies whether this message is being redelivered.
virtual const cms::DestinationgetCMSReplyTo () const =0
 Gets the Destination object to which a reply to this message should be sent.
virtual void setCMSReplyTo (const cms::Destination *destination)=0
 Sets the Destination object to which a reply to this message should be sent.
virtual long long getCMSTimestamp () const =0
 Gets the message timestamp.
virtual void setCMSTimestamp (long long timeStamp)=0
 Sets the message timestamp.
virtual std::string getCMSType () const =0
 Gets the message type identifier supplied by the client when the message was sent.
virtual void setCMSType (const std::string &type)=0
 Sets the message type.

Static Public Attributes

static const int DEFAULT_DELIVERY_MODE
 The Default delivery mode for Message Producers is PERSISTENT.
static const int DEFAULT_MSG_PRIORITY
 The Default priority assigned to a Message is 4.
static const long long DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE
 The Default Time to Live for a Message Producer is unlimited, the message will never expire.

Detailed Description

Root of all messages.

As in JMS, a message is comprised of 3 parts: CMS-specific headers, user-defined properties, and the body.

Message Bodies

The CMS API defines four types of message bodies, each type is contained within its own Message Interface definition.

  • Stream - A StreamMessage object's message body contains a stream of primitive values in the C++ language. It is filled and read sequentially. Unlike the BytesMessage type the values written to a StreamMessage retain information on their type and rules for type conversion are enforced when reading back the values from the Message Body.
  • Map - A MapMessage object's message body contains a set of name-value pairs, where names are std::string objects, and values are C++ primitives. The entries can be accessed sequentially or randomly by name. The MapMessage makes no garuntee on the order of the elements within the Message body.
  • Text - A TextMessage object's message body contains a std::string object. This message type can be used to transport plain-text messages, and XML messages.
  • Bytes - A BytesMessage object's message body contains a stream of uninterpreted bytes. This message type is for literally encoding a body to match an existing message format. In many cases, it is possible to use one of the other body types, which are easier to use.

Message Properties

Message properties support the following conversion table. The marked cases must be supported. The unmarked cases must throw a CMSException. The String-to-primitive conversions may throw a runtime exception if the primitive's valueOf method does not accept the String as a valid representation of the primitive.

A value written as the row type can be read as the column type.

    |        | boolean byte short int long float double String
    |boolean |    X                                       X
    |byte    |          X     X    X   X                  X
    |short   |                X    X   X                  X
    |int     |                     X   X                  X
    |long    |                         X                  X
    |float   |                               X     X      X
    |double  |                                     X      X
    |String  |    X     X     X    X   X     X     X      X

When a Message is delivered its properties are considered to be in a read-only mode and cannot be changed. Attempting to change the value of a delivered Message's properties will result in a CMSException being thrown.

See also:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual cms::Message::~Message ( ) [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void cms::Message::acknowledge ( ) const [pure virtual]

Acknowledges all consumed messages of the session of this consumed message.

All consumed CMS messages support the acknowledge method for use when a client has specified that its CMS session's consumed messages are to be explicitly acknowledged. By invoking acknowledge on a consumed message, a client acknowledges all messages consumed by the session that the message was delivered to.

Calls to acknowledge are ignored for both transacted sessions and sessions specified to use implicit acknowledgment modes.

A client may individually acknowledge each message as it is consumed, or it may choose to acknowledge messages as an application-defined group (which is done by calling acknowledge on the last received message of the group, thereby acknowledging all messages consumed by the session.)

Messages that have been received but not acknowledged may be redelivered.

CMSException- if an internal error occurs.
IllegalStateException- if this method is called on a closed session.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual void cms::Message::clearProperties ( ) [pure virtual]

Clears out the message body.

Clearing a message's body does not clear its header values or property entries.

If this message body was read-only, calling this method leaves the message body in the same state as an empty body in a newly created message.

CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual Message* cms::Message::clone ( ) const [pure virtual]
virtual bool cms::Message::getBooleanProperty ( const std::string &  name) const [pure virtual]
virtual unsigned char cms::Message::getByteProperty ( const std::string &  name) const [pure virtual]
virtual std::string cms::Message::getCMSCorrelationID ( ) const [pure virtual]

Gets the correlation ID for the message.

This method is used to return correlation ID values that are either provider-specific message IDs or application-specific String values.

string representation of the correlation Id
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual const Destination* cms::Message::getCMSDestination ( ) const [pure virtual]

Gets the Destination object for this message.

The CMSDestination header field contains the destination to which the message is being sent.

When a message is sent, this field is ignored. After completion of the send or publish method, the field holds the destination specified by the method.

When a message is received, its CMSDestination value must be equivalent to the value assigned when it was sent.

Destination object
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual long long cms::Message::getCMSExpiration ( ) const [pure virtual]

Gets the message's expiration value.

When a message is sent, the CMSExpiration header field is left unassigned. After completion of the send or publish method, it holds the expiration time of the message. This is the sum of the time-to-live value specified by the client and the GMT at the time of the send or publish.

If the time-to-live is specified as zero, CMSExpiration is set to zero to indicate that the message does not expire.

When a message's expiration time is reached, a provider should discard it. The CMS API does not define any form of notification of message expiration.

Clients should not receive messages that have expired; however, the CMS API does not guarantee that this will not happen.

the time the message expires, which is the sum of the time-to-live value specified by the client and the GMT at the time of the send
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual std::string cms::Message::getCMSMessageID ( ) const [pure virtual]

The CMSMessageID header field contains a value that uniquely identifies each message sent by a provider.

When a message is sent, CMSMessageID can be ignored. When the send or publish method returns, it contains a provider-assigned value.

A CMSMessageID is a String value that should function as a unique key for identifying messages in a historical repository. The exact scope of uniqueness is provider-defined. It should at least cover all messages for a specific installation of a provider, where an installation is some connected set of message routers.

All CMSMessageID values must start with the prefix 'ID:'. Uniqueness of message ID values across different providers is not required.

Since message IDs take some effort to create and increase a message's size, some CMS providers may be able to optimize message overhead if they are given a hint that the message ID is not used by an application. By calling the MessageProducer.setDisableMessageID method, a CMS client enables this potential optimization for all messages sent by that message producer. If the CMS provider accepts this hint, these messages must have the message ID set to null; if the provider ignores the hint, the message ID must be set to its normal unique value.

provider-assigned message id
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual int cms::Message::getCMSPriority ( ) const [pure virtual]

Gets the message priority level.

The CMS API defines ten levels of priority value, with 0 as the lowest priority and 9 as the highest. In addition, clients should consider priorities 0-4 as gradations of normal priority and priorities 5-9 as gradations of expedited priority.

The CMS API does not require that a provider strictly implement priority ordering of messages; however, it should do its best to deliver expedited messages ahead of normal messages.

priority value
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual bool cms::Message::getCMSRedelivered ( ) const [pure virtual]

Gets an indication of whether this message is being redelivered.

If a client receives a message with the CMSRedelivered field set, it is likely, but not guaranteed, that this message was delivered earlier but that its receipt was not acknowledged at that time.

true if this message is being redelivered
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual long long cms::Message::getCMSTimestamp ( ) const [pure virtual]

Gets the message timestamp.

The CMSTimestamp header field contains the time a message was handed off to a provider to be sent. It is not the time the message was actually transmitted, because the actual send may occur later due to transactions or other client-side queuing of messages.

When a message is sent, CMSTimestamp is ignored. When the send or publish method returns, it contains a time value somewhere in the interval between the call and the return. The value is in the format of a normal millis time value in the Java programming language.

Since timestamps take some effort to create and increase a message's size, some CMS providers may be able to optimize message overhead if they are given a hint that the timestamp is not used by an application. By calling the MessageProducer.setDisableMessageTimestamp method, a CMS client enables this potential optimization for all messages sent by that message producer. If the CMS provider accepts this hint, these messages must have the timestamp set to zero; if the provider ignores the hint, the timestamp must be set to its normal value.

the message timestamp
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual double cms::Message::getDoubleProperty ( const std::string &  name) const [pure virtual]
virtual float cms::Message::getFloatProperty ( const std::string &  name) const [pure virtual]
virtual int cms::Message::getIntProperty ( const std::string &  name) const [pure virtual]
virtual long long cms::Message::getLongProperty ( const std::string &  name) const [pure virtual]
virtual std::vector<std::string> cms::Message::getPropertyNames ( ) const [pure virtual]
virtual short cms::Message::getShortProperty ( const std::string &  name) const [pure virtual]
virtual std::string cms::Message::getStringProperty ( const std::string &  name) const [pure virtual]
virtual bool cms::Message::propertyExists ( const std::string &  name) const [pure virtual]
virtual void cms::Message::setBooleanProperty ( const std::string &  name,
bool  value 
) [pure virtual]
virtual void cms::Message::setByteProperty ( const std::string &  name,
unsigned char  value 
) [pure virtual]
virtual void cms::Message::setCMSCorrelationID ( const std::string &  correlationId) [pure virtual]

Sets the correlation ID for the message.

A client can use the CMSCorrelationID header field to link one message with another. A typical use is to link a response message with its request message.

CMSCorrelationID can hold one of the following:

  • A provider-specific message ID
  • An application-specific String
  • A provider-native byte[] value

Since each message sent by a CMS provider is assigned a message ID value, it is convenient to link messages via message ID. All message ID values must start with the 'ID:' prefix.

In some cases, an application (made up of several clients) needs to use an application-specific value for linking messages. For instance, an application may use CMSCorrelationID to hold a value referencing some external information. Application-specified values must not start with the 'ID:' prefix; this is reserved for provider-generated message ID values.

If a provider supports the native concept of correlation ID, a CMS client may need to assign specific CMSCorrelationID values to match those expected by clients that do not use the CMS API. A byte[] value is used for this purpose. CMS providers without native correlation ID values are not required to support byte[] values. The use of a byte[] value for CMSCorrelationID is non-portable.

correlationIdThe message ID of a message being referred to.
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual void cms::Message::setCMSDeliveryMode ( int  mode) [pure virtual]
virtual void cms::Message::setCMSDestination ( const Destination destination) [pure virtual]

Sets the Destination object for this message.

CMS providers set this field when a message is sent. This method can be used to change the value for a message that has been received.

destinationDestination Object
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual void cms::Message::setCMSExpiration ( long long  expireTime) [pure virtual]

Sets the message's expiration value.

CMS providers set this field when a message is sent. This method can be used to change the value for a message that has been received.

expireTimethe message's expiration time
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual void cms::Message::setCMSMessageID ( const std::string &  id) [pure virtual]

Sets the message ID.

CMS providers set this field when a message is sent. This method can be used to change the value for a message that has been received.

idthe ID of the message
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.
virtual void cms::Message::setCMSPriority ( int  priority) [pure virtual]

Sets the Priority Value for this message.

CMS providers set this field when a message is sent. This method can be used to change the value for a message that has been received.

prioritypriority value for this message
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual void cms::Message::setCMSRedelivered ( bool  redelivered) [pure virtual]

Specifies whether this message is being redelivered.

This field is set at the time the message is delivered. This method can be used to change the value for a message that has been received.

redeliveredboolean redelivered value
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual void cms::Message::setCMSReplyTo ( const cms::Destination destination) [pure virtual]

Sets the Destination object to which a reply to this message should be sent.

The CMSReplyTo header field contains the destination where a reply to the current message should be sent. If it is null, no reply is expected. The destination may be either a Queue object or a Topic object.

Messages sent with a null CMSReplyTo value may be a notification of some event, or they may just be some data the sender thinks is of interest.

Messages with a CMSReplyTo value typically expect a response. A response is optional; it is up to the client to decide. These messages are called requests. A message sent in response to a request is called a reply.

In some cases a client may wish to match a request it sent earlier with a reply it has just received. The client can use the CMSCorrelationID header field for this purpose.

destinationDestination to which to send a response to this message
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual void cms::Message::setCMSTimestamp ( long long  timeStamp) [pure virtual]

Sets the message timestamp.

CMS providers set this field when a message is sent. This method can be used to change the value for a message that has been received.

timeStampinteger time stamp value
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual void cms::Message::setCMSType ( const std::string &  type) [pure virtual]

Sets the message type.

Some CMS providers use a message repository that contains the definitions of messages sent by applications. The CMSType header field may reference a message's definition in the provider's repository.

The CMS API does not define a standard message definition repository, nor does it define a naming policy for the definitions it contains.

Some messaging systems require that a message type definition for each application message be created and that each message specify its type. In order to work with such CMS providers, CMS clients should assign a value to CMSType, whether the application makes use of it or not. This ensures that the field is properly set for those providers that require it.

To ensure portability, CMS clients should use symbolic values for CMSType that can be configured at installation time to the values defined in the current provider's message repository. If string literals are used, they may not be valid type names for some CMS providers.

typethe message type
See also:
CMSException- if an internal error occurs.

Implemented in activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::BytesMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::MapMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::Message >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::StreamMessage >, activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::TextMessage >, and activemq::commands::ActiveMQMessageTemplate< cms::ObjectMessage >.

virtual void cms::Message::setDoubleProperty ( const std::string &  name,
double  value 
) [pure virtual]
virtual void cms::Message::setFloatProperty ( const std::string &  name,
float  value 
) [pure virtual]
virtual void cms::Message::setIntProperty ( const std::string &  name,
int  value 
) [pure virtual]
virtual void cms::Message::setLongProperty ( const std::string &  name,
long long  value 
) [pure virtual]
virtual void cms::Message::setShortProperty ( const std::string &  name,
short  value 
) [pure virtual]
virtual void cms::Message::setStringProperty ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  value 
) [pure virtual]

Field Documentation

The Default delivery mode for Message Producers is PERSISTENT.

The Default priority assigned to a Message is 4.

const long long cms::Message::DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE [static]

The Default Time to Live for a Message Producer is unlimited, the message will never expire.

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