
decaf::net::ServerSocket Class Reference

This class implements server sockets. More...

#include <src/main/decaf/net/ServerSocket.h>

Inheritance diagram for decaf::net::ServerSocket:

Public Member Functions

 ServerSocket ()
 Creates a non-bound server socket.
 ServerSocket (int port)
 Creates a new ServerSocket bound to the specified port, if the value of port is 0, then any free port is chosen.
 ServerSocket (int port, int backlog)
 Creates a new ServerSocket bound to the specified port, if the value of port is 0, then any free port is chosen.
 ServerSocket (int port, int backlog, const InetAddress *address)
 Creates a new ServerSocket bound to the specified port, if the value of port is 0, then any free port is chosen.
virtual ~ServerSocket ()
 Releases socket handle if close() hasn't been called.
virtual void bind (const std::string &host, int port)
 Bind and listen to given local IPAddress and port, if the address is empty than a valid local address will be chosen, and if the port of 0 than an available open port will be chosen.
virtual void bind (const std::string &host, int port, int backlog)
 Bind and listen to given local IPAddress and port, if the address is empty than a valid local address will be chosen, and if the port of 0 than an available open port will be chosen.
virtual Socketaccept ()
 Listens for a connection request on the bound IPAddress and Port for this ServerSocket, the caller blocks until a connection is made.
virtual void close ()
 Closes the server socket, causing any Threads blocked on an accept call to throw an Exception.
virtual bool isClosed () const
virtual bool isBound () const
virtual int getReceiveBufferSize () const
 Gets the receive buffer size for this socket, SO_RCVBUF.
virtual void setReceiveBufferSize (int size)
 Sets the receive buffer size for this socket, SO_RCVBUF.
virtual bool getReuseAddress () const
 Gets the reuse address flag, SO_REUSEADDR.
virtual void setReuseAddress (bool reuse)
 Sets the reuse address flag, SO_REUSEADDR.
virtual int getSoTimeout () const
 Gets the timeout for socket operations, SO_TIMEOUT.
virtual void setSoTimeout (int timeout)
 Sets the timeout for socket operations, SO_TIMEOUT.
virtual int getLocalPort () const
 Gets the port number on the Local machine that this ServerSocket is bound to.
virtual std::string toString () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void setSocketImplFactory (SocketImplFactory *factory)
 Sets the instance of a SocketImplFactory that the ServerSocket class should use when new instances of this class are created.

Protected Member Functions

 ServerSocket (SocketImpl *impl)
 Creates a ServerSocket wrapping the provided SocketImpl instance, this Socket is considered unconnected.
virtual void implAccept (Socket *socket)
 Virtual method that allows a ServerSocket subclass to override the accept call and provide its own SocketImpl for the socket.
virtual int getDefaultBacklog ()
 Allows a subclass to override what is considered the default backlog.
void checkClosed () const
void ensureCreated () const
void setupSocketImpl (int port, int backlog, const InetAddress *ifAddress)

Detailed Description

This class implements server sockets.

A server socket waits for requests to come in over the network.

The actual work of the server socket is performed by an instance of the SocketImpl class. An application can change the socket factory that creates the socket implementation to configure itself to create sockets of a particular type.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

decaf::net::ServerSocket::ServerSocket ( )

Creates a non-bound server socket.

decaf::net::ServerSocket::ServerSocket ( int  port)

Creates a new ServerSocket bound to the specified port, if the value of port is 0, then any free port is chosen.

When this constructor is called the size of the backlog queue is set at 50, connections that arrive after the backlog has been reached are refused.

If a SocketImplFactory is registered then the createSocketImpl method on the factory will be called otherwise a default SocketImpl is created.

portThe port to bind the ServerSocket to.
IOExceptionif there is an I/O error while performing this operation.
IllegalArgumentExceptionif the port value is negative or greater than 65535.
decaf::net::ServerSocket::ServerSocket ( int  port,
int  backlog 

Creates a new ServerSocket bound to the specified port, if the value of port is 0, then any free port is chosen.

When this constructor is called the size of the backlog queue is set at backlog, connections that arrive after the backlog has been reached are refused. If backlog is zero or negative then the default backlog value of 50 is used.

If a SocketImplFactory is registered then the createSocketImpl method on the factory will be called otherwise a default SocketImpl is created.

portThe port to bind the ServerSocket to.
backlogThe the number of incoming connection attempts to queue before connections are refused.
IOExceptionif there is an I/O error while performing this operation.
IllegalArgumentExceptionif the port value is negative or greater than 65535.
decaf::net::ServerSocket::ServerSocket ( int  port,
int  backlog,
const InetAddress address 

Creates a new ServerSocket bound to the specified port, if the value of port is 0, then any free port is chosen.

If the value of the ifAddress is empty or NULL then the ANY address is used.

When this constructor is called the size of the backlog queue is set at backlog, connections that arrive after the backlog has been reached are refused. If backlog is zero or negative then the default backlog value of 50 is used.

If a SocketImplFactory is registered then the createSocketImpl method on the factory will be called otherwise a default SocketImpl is created.

portThe port to bind the ServerSocket to.
backlogThe the number of incoming connection attempts to queue before connections are refused.
ifAddressThe IP Address to bind to on the local machine.
IOExceptionif there is an I/O error while performing this operation.
IllegalArgumentExceptionif the port value is negative or greater than 65535.
virtual decaf::net::ServerSocket::~ServerSocket ( ) [virtual]

Releases socket handle if close() hasn't been called.

decaf::net::ServerSocket::ServerSocket ( SocketImpl impl) [protected]

Creates a ServerSocket wrapping the provided SocketImpl instance, this Socket is considered unconnected.

The ServerSocket class takes ownership of this SocketImpl pointer and will delete it when the Socket class is destroyed.

implThe SocketImpl instance to wrap.
NullPointerExceptionif the passed SocketImpl is Null.

Member Function Documentation

virtual Socket* decaf::net::ServerSocket::accept ( ) [virtual]

Listens for a connection request on the bound IPAddress and Port for this ServerSocket, the caller blocks until a connection is made.

If the SO_TIMEOUT option is set this method could throw a SocketTimeoutException if the operation times out.

a new Socket object pointer. Never returns NULL, the returned pointer is owned by the caller and must be explicitly freed by them.
IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs while binding the socket.
SocketExceptionif an error occurs while blocking on the accept call.
SocketTimeoutExceptionif the SO_TIMEOUT option was used and the accept timed out.

Reimplemented in decaf::internal::net::ssl::openssl::OpenSSLServerSocket.

virtual void decaf::net::ServerSocket::bind ( const std::string &  host,
int  port,
int  backlog 
) [virtual]

Bind and listen to given local IPAddress and port, if the address is empty than a valid local address will be chosen, and if the port of 0 than an available open port will be chosen.

If the backlog is greater than zero it will be used instead of the default value, otherwise the default value is used and no error is generated.

hostThe IP address or host name.
portThe TCP port between 1..655535.
backlogThe size of listen backlog.
IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs while binding the socket.
IllegalArgumentExceptionif the parameters are not valid.
virtual void decaf::net::ServerSocket::bind ( const std::string &  host,
int  port 
) [virtual]

Bind and listen to given local IPAddress and port, if the address is empty than a valid local address will be chosen, and if the port of 0 than an available open port will be chosen.

hostThe IP address or host name.
portThe TCP port between 1..655535.
IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs while binding the socket.
IllegalArgumentExceptionif the parameters are not valid.
void decaf::net::ServerSocket::checkClosed ( ) const [protected]
virtual void decaf::net::ServerSocket::close ( ) [virtual]

Closes the server socket, causing any Threads blocked on an accept call to throw an Exception.

IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs while performing this operation.
void decaf::net::ServerSocket::ensureCreated ( ) const [protected]
virtual int decaf::net::ServerSocket::getDefaultBacklog ( ) [protected, virtual]

Allows a subclass to override what is considered the default backlog.

the default backlog for connections.
virtual int decaf::net::ServerSocket::getLocalPort ( ) const [virtual]

Gets the port number on the Local machine that this ServerSocket is bound to.

the port number of this machine that is bound, if not bound returns -1.
virtual int decaf::net::ServerSocket::getReceiveBufferSize ( ) const [virtual]

Gets the receive buffer size for this socket, SO_RCVBUF.

This is the buffer used by the underlying platform socket to buffer received data.

the receive buffer size in bytes.
SocketExceptionif the operation fails.
virtual bool decaf::net::ServerSocket::getReuseAddress ( ) const [virtual]

Gets the reuse address flag, SO_REUSEADDR.

True if the address can be reused.
SocketExceptionif the operation fails.
virtual int decaf::net::ServerSocket::getSoTimeout ( ) const [virtual]

Gets the timeout for socket operations, SO_TIMEOUT.

The timeout in milliseconds for socket operations.
SocketExceptionThrown if unable to retrieve the information.
virtual void decaf::net::ServerSocket::implAccept ( Socket socket) [protected, virtual]

Virtual method that allows a ServerSocket subclass to override the accept call and provide its own SocketImpl for the socket.

socketThe socket object whose SocketImpl should be used for the accept call.
IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs while performing this operation.
virtual bool decaf::net::ServerSocket::isBound ( ) const [virtual]
true of the server socket is bound.
virtual bool decaf::net::ServerSocket::isClosed ( ) const [virtual]
true if the close method has been called on the ServerSocket.
virtual void decaf::net::ServerSocket::setReceiveBufferSize ( int  size) [virtual]

Sets the receive buffer size for this socket, SO_RCVBUF.

sizeNumber of bytes to set the receive buffer to.
SocketExceptionif the operation fails.
IllegalArgumentExceptionif the value is zero or negative.
virtual void decaf::net::ServerSocket::setReuseAddress ( bool  reuse) [virtual]

Sets the reuse address flag, SO_REUSEADDR.

reuseIf true, sets the flag.
SocketExceptionif the operation fails.
static void decaf::net::ServerSocket::setSocketImplFactory ( SocketImplFactory factory) [static]

Sets the instance of a SocketImplFactory that the ServerSocket class should use when new instances of this class are created.

This method is only allowed to be used once during the lifetime of the application.

factoryThe instance of a SocketImplFactory to use when new SocketImpl objects are created.
IOExceptionif an I/O error occurs while performing this operation.
SocketExceptionif this method has already been called with a valid factory.
virtual void decaf::net::ServerSocket::setSoTimeout ( int  timeout) [virtual]

Sets the timeout for socket operations, SO_TIMEOUT.

A value of zero indicates that timeout is infinite for operations on this socket.

timeoutThe timeout in milliseconds for socket operations.
SocketExceptionThrown if unable to set the information.
IllegalArgumentExceptionif the timeout value is negative.
void decaf::net::ServerSocket::setupSocketImpl ( int  port,
int  backlog,
const InetAddress ifAddress 
) [protected]
virtual std::string decaf::net::ServerSocket::toString ( ) const [virtual]
a string representing this ServerSocket.

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