Interface ActiveMQSecurityManager

All Known Subinterfaces:
ActiveMQSecurityManager2, ActiveMQSecurityManager3, ActiveMQSecurityManager4, ActiveMQSecurityManager5
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActiveMQBasicSecurityManager, ActiveMQJAASSecurityManager

public interface ActiveMQSecurityManager
Use to validate whether a user has is valid to connect to the server and perform certain functions
  • Method Details

    • getDomain

      default String getDomain()
    • validateUser

      boolean validateUser(String user, String password)
      is this a valid user.
      user - the user
      password - the users password
      true if a valid user
    • validateUserAndRole

      boolean validateUserAndRole(String user, String password, Set<> roles, checkType)
      is this a valid user and do they have the correct role
      user - the user
      password - the users password
      roles - the roles the user has
      checkType - the type of check to perform
      true if the user is valid and they have the correct roles
    • init

      default ActiveMQSecurityManager init(Map<String,String> properties)
      Initialize the manager with the given configuration properties. This method is called by the broker when the file-based configuration is read. If you're creating/configuring the plugin programmatically then the recommended approach is to simply use the manager's getters/setters rather than this method.
      properties - name/value pairs used to configure the ActiveMQSecurityManager instance
      this instance
    • getUserFromSubject

      default String getUserFromSubject(Subject subject)