Class ActiveMQMessageProducerSupport

    • Field Detail

      • disableMessageID

        protected boolean disableMessageID
      • disableMessageTimestamp

        protected boolean disableMessageTimestamp
      • defaultDeliveryMode

        protected int defaultDeliveryMode
      • defaultPriority

        protected int defaultPriority
      • defaultTimeToLive

        protected long defaultTimeToLive
      • sendTimeout

        protected int sendTimeout
    • Constructor Detail

      • ActiveMQMessageProducerSupport

        public ActiveMQMessageProducerSupport​(ActiveMQSession session)
    • Method Detail

      • setDisableMessageID

        public void setDisableMessageID​(boolean value)
                                 throws JMSException
        Sets whether message IDs are disabled.

        Since message IDs take some effort to create and increase a message's size, some JMS providers may be able to optimize message overhead if they are given a hint that the message ID is not used by an application. By calling the setDisableMessageID method on this message producer, a JMS client enables this potential optimization for all messages sent by this message producer. If the JMS provider accepts this hint, these messages must have the message ID set to null; if the provider ignores the hint, the message ID must be set to its normal unique value.

        Message IDs are enabled by default.

        Specified by:
        setDisableMessageID in interface MessageProducer
        value - indicates if message IDs are disabled
        JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to close the producer due to some internal error.
      • getDisableMessageID

        public boolean getDisableMessageID()
                                    throws JMSException
        Gets an indication of whether message IDs are disabled.
        Specified by:
        getDisableMessageID in interface MessageProducer
        an indication of whether message IDs are disabled
        JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to determine if message IDs are disabled due to some internal error.
      • setDisableMessageTimestamp

        public void setDisableMessageTimestamp​(boolean value)
                                        throws JMSException
        Sets whether message timestamps are disabled.

        Since timestamps take some effort to create and increase a message's size, some JMS providers may be able to optimize message overhead if they are given a hint that the timestamp is not used by an application. By calling the setDisableMessageTimestamp method on this message producer, a JMS client enables this potential optimization for all messages sent by this message producer. If the JMS provider accepts this hint, these messages must have the timestamp set to zero; if the provider ignores the hint, the timestamp must be set to its normal value.

        Message timestamps are enabled by default.

        Specified by:
        setDisableMessageTimestamp in interface MessageProducer
        value - indicates if message timestamps are disabled
        JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to close the producer due to some internal error.
      • getDisableMessageTimestamp

        public boolean getDisableMessageTimestamp()
                                           throws JMSException
        Gets an indication of whether message timestamps are disabled.
        Specified by:
        getDisableMessageTimestamp in interface MessageProducer
        an indication of whether message timestamps are disabled
        JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to close the producer due to some internal error.
      • getDeliveryMode

        public int getDeliveryMode()
                            throws JMSException
        Gets the producer's default delivery mode.
        Specified by:
        getDeliveryMode in interface MessageProducer
        the message delivery mode for this message producer
        JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to close the producer due to some internal error.
      • setPriority

        public void setPriority​(int newDefaultPriority)
                         throws JMSException
        Sets the producer's default priority.

        The JMS API defines ten levels of priority value, with 0 as the lowest priority and 9 as the highest. Clients should consider priorities 0-4 as gradations of normal priority and priorities 5-9 as gradations of expedited priority. Priority is set to 4 by default.

        Specified by:
        setPriority in interface MessageProducer
        newDefaultPriority - the message priority for this message producer; must be a value between 0 and 9
        JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to set the delivery mode due to some internal error.
        See Also:
        MessageProducer.getPriority(), Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY
      • setTimeToLive

        public void setTimeToLive​(long timeToLive)
                           throws JMSException
        Sets the default length of time in milliseconds from its dispatch time that a produced message should be retained by the message system.

        Time to live is set to zero by default.

        Specified by:
        setTimeToLive in interface MessageProducer
        timeToLive - the message time to live in milliseconds; zero is unlimited
        JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to set the time to live due to some internal error.
        See Also:
        MessageProducer.getTimeToLive(), Message.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE
      • getTimeToLive

        public long getTimeToLive()
                           throws JMSException
        Gets the default length of time in milliseconds from its dispatch time that a produced message should be retained by the message system.
        Specified by:
        getTimeToLive in interface MessageProducer
        the message time to live in milliseconds; zero is unlimited
        JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to get the time to live due to some internal error.
        See Also:
      • send

        public void send​(Message message,
                         int deliveryMode,
                         int priority,
                         long timeToLive)
                  throws JMSException
        Sends a message to the destination, specifying delivery mode, priority, and time to live.
        Specified by:
        send in interface MessageProducer
        message - the message to send
        deliveryMode - the delivery mode to use
        priority - the priority for this message
        timeToLive - the message's lifetime (in milliseconds)
        JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to send the message due to some internal error.
        MessageFormatException - if an invalid message is specified.
        InvalidDestinationException - if a client uses this method with a MessageProducer with an invalid destination.
        UnsupportedOperationException - if a client uses this method with a MessageProducer that did not specify a destination at creation time.
        See Also:
      • send

        public void send​(Destination destination,
                         Message message)
                  throws JMSException
        Sends a message to a destination for an unidentified message producer. Uses the MessageProducer's default delivery mode, priority, and time to live.

        Typically, a message producer is assigned a destination at creation time; however, the JMS API also supports unidentified message producers, which require that the destination be supplied every time a message is sent.

        Specified by:
        send in interface MessageProducer
        destination - the destination to send this message to
        message - the message to send
        JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to send the message due to some internal error.
        MessageFormatException - if an invalid message is specified.
        InvalidDestinationException - if a client uses this method with an invalid destination.
        UnsupportedOperationException - if a client uses this method with a MessageProducer that specified a destination at creation time.
        See Also:
        Session.createProducer(javax.jms.Destination), MessageProducer
      • getSendTimeout

        public int getSendTimeout()
        the sendTimeout
      • setSendTimeout

        public void setSendTimeout​(int sendTimeout)
        sendTimeout - the sendTimeout to set