Package org.apache.activemq
The core JMS client API implementation classes.
Interface Summary Interface Description ActiveMQDispatcher ActiveMQSession.DeliveryListener AsyncCallback BlobMessage Represents a message which has a typically out of band Binary Large Object (BLOB)ClientInternalExceptionListener An exception listener similar to the standardjavax.jms.ExceptionListener
which can be used by client code to be notified of exceptions thrown by container components (e.g.Closeable Provides a uniform interface that can be used to close all the JMS obejcts that provide a close() method.CustomDestination Represents a hook to allow the support of custom destinations such as to support Apache Camel to create and manage endpointsDisposable EnhancedConnection A set of enhanced APIs for a JMS providerLocalTransactionEventListener Message Represents the JMS extension methods in Apache ActiveMQMessageAvailableConsumer An extended JMS interface that adds the ability to be notified when a message is available for consumption using the receive*() methods which is useful in Ajax style subscription models.MessageAvailableListener A listener which is notified if a message is available for processing via the receive methods.MessageDispatchChannel MessageTransformer A plugin strategy for transforming a message before it is sent by the JMS client or before it is dispatched to the JMS consumerScheduledMessage Service The core lifecyle interface for ActiveMQ components.ThreadPriorities A holder for different thread priorites used in ActiveMQTransportLoggerSupport.SPI -
Class Summary Class Description ActiveMQConnection ActiveMQConnectionConsumer For application servers,Connection
objects provide a special facility for creating aConnectionConsumer
(optional).ActiveMQConnectionFactory A ConnectionFactory is an an Administered object, and is used for creating Connections.ActiveMQConnectionMetaData AConnectionMetaData
object provides information describing theConnection
object.ActiveMQMessageAudit Provides basic audit functions for MessagesActiveMQMessageAuditNoSync Provides basic audit functions for Messages without syncActiveMQMessageConsumer A client uses aMessageConsumer
object to receive messages from a destination.ActiveMQMessageProducer A client uses aMessageProducer
object to send messages to a destination.ActiveMQMessageProducerSupport A useful base class for implementing aMessageProducer
ActiveMQMessageTransformation A helper class for converting normal JMS interfaces into ActiveMQ specific ones.ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy Defines the prefetch message policies for different types of consumersActiveMQQueueBrowser A client uses aQueueBrowser
object to look at messages on a queue without removing them.ActiveMQQueueReceiver A client uses aQueueReceiver
object to receive messages that have been delivered to a queue.ActiveMQQueueSender A client uses aQueueSender
object to send messages to a queue.ActiveMQQueueSession A QueueSession implementation that throws IllegalStateExceptions when Topic operations are attempted but which delegates to another QueueSession for all other operations.ActiveMQSession ASession
object is a single-threaded context for producing and consuming messages.ActiveMQSessionExecutor A utility class used by the Session for dispatching messages asynchronously to consumersActiveMQSslConnectionFactory An ActiveMQConnectionFactory that allows access to the key and trust managers used for SslConnections.ActiveMQTopicPublisher A client uses aTopicPublisher
object to publish messages on a topic.ActiveMQTopicSession A TopicSession implementation that throws IllegalStateExceptions when Queue operations are attempted but which delegates to another TopicSession for all other operations.ActiveMQTopicSubscriber A client uses aTopicSubscriber
object to receive messages that have been published to a topic.ActiveMQXAConnection The XAConnection interface extends the capability of Connection by providing an XASession (optional).ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory A factory ofXAConnection
instancesActiveMQXASession The XASession interface extends the capability of Session by adding access to a JMS provider's support for the Java Transaction API (JTA) (optional).ActiveMQXASslConnectionFactory AdvisoryConsumer FifoMessageDispatchChannel MessageTransformerSupport A useful base class for message transformers.RedeliveryPolicy Configuration options for a messageConsumer used to control how messages are re-delivered when they are rolled back.SimplePriorityMessageDispatchChannel TransactionContext A TransactionContext provides the means to control a JMS transaction.TransportLoggerSupport -
Exception Summary Exception Description AlreadyClosedException An exception which is closed if you try to access a resource which has already been closedConfigurationException An exception thrown when a service is not correctly configuredConnectionClosedException An exception thrown when attempt is made to use a connection when the connection has been closed.ConnectionFailedException An exception thrown when the a connection failure is detected (peer might close the connection, or a keep alive times out, etc.)DestinationDoesNotExistException An exception thrown on a send if a destination does not exist.MaxFrameSizeExceededException An exception thrown when max frame size is exceeded.NotStartedException An exception thrown when an operation is invoked on a service which has not yet been started.