Class AbstractAuthenticationBroker

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractAuthenticationBroker

        public AbstractAuthenticationBroker​(Broker next)
    • Method Detail

      • removeDestination

        public void removeDestination​(ConnectionContext context,
                                      ActiveMQDestination destination,
                                      long timeout)
                               throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: Region
        Used to destroy a destination. This should try to quiesce use of the destination up to the timeout allotted time before removing the destination. This will remove all persistent messages associated with the destination.
        Specified by:
        removeDestination in interface Region
        removeDestination in class BrokerFilter
        context - the environment the operation is being executed under.
        destination - what is being removed from the broker.
        timeout - the max amount of time to wait for the destination to quiesce
        Exception - TODO
      • refresh

        public void refresh()