Plugable Security Adapter framework along with default implementations such as the JAAS implementation.
Interface Summary Interface Description AuthenticationBroker Base for all broker plugins that wish to provide connection authentication servicesAuthorizationMap MessageAuthorizationPolicy A plugin to allow custom message-level security checks to be performed before a message is consumed.SecurityAdminMBean An MBean for adding and removing users, roles and destinations. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractAuthenticationBroker AuthenticationUser A helper object used to configure simple authentication pluginAuthorizationBroker Verifies if a authenticated user can do an operation against the broker using an authorization map.AuthorizationDestinationFilter Authorizes addSubscription calls.AuthorizationDestinationInterceptor Adds AuthorizationDestinationFilter on intercept()AuthorizationEntry Represents an entry in aDefaultAuthorizationMap
for assigning different operations (read, write, admin) of user roles to a specific destination or a hierarchical wildcard area of destinations.AuthorizationPlugin An authorization plugin where each operation on a destination is checked against an authorizationMapCachedLDAPAuthorizationMap ADefaultAuthorizationMap
implementation which uses LDAP to initialize and update authorization policy.DefaultAuthorizationMap Represents a destination based configuration of policies so that individual destinations or wildcard hierarchies of destinations can be configured using different policies.JaasAuthenticationBroker Logs a user in using JAAS.JaasAuthenticationPlugin Adds a JAAS based authentication security pluginJaasCertificateAuthenticationBroker A JAAS Authentication Broker that uses SSL Certificates.JaasCertificateAuthenticationPlugin A JAAS based SSL certificate authentication plugin.JaasCertificateSecurityContext Extends the SecurityContext to provide a username which is the Distinguished Name from the certificate.JaasDualAuthenticationBroker A JAAS Authentication Broker that uses different JAAS domain configurations depending if the connection is over an SSL enabled Connector or not.JaasDualAuthenticationPlugin A JAAS based SSL certificate authentication plugin.LDAPAuthorizationMap AnAuthorizationMap
which uses LDAPSecurityContext Used to cache up authorizations so that subsequent requests are faster.SimpleAuthenticationBroker Handles authenticating a users against a simple user name/password map.SimpleAuthenticationPlugin A simple authentication pluginSimpleAuthorizationMap An AuthorizationMap which is configured with individual DestinationMaps for each operation.SimpleCachedLDAPAuthorizationMap TempDestinationAuthorizationEntry Represents an entry in aDefaultAuthorizationMap
for assigning different operations (read, write, admin) of user roles to a temporary destinationXBeanAuthorizationEntry Represents an entry in aDefaultAuthorizationMap
for assigning different operations (read, write, admin) of user roles to a specific destination or a hierarchical wildcard area of destinations.XBeanAuthorizationMap -
Enum Summary Enum Description SimpleCachedLDAPAuthorizationMap.DestinationType SimpleCachedLDAPAuthorizationMap.PermissionType