Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::locks::AbstractOwnableSynchronizerBase class for locks that provide the notion of Ownership, the types of locks that are implemented using this base class would be owned by one specific Thread at any given time
oCactivemq::core::ActiveMQAckHandlerInterface class that is used to give CMS Messages an interface to Ack themselves with
oCactivemq::core::ActiveMQConstantsClass holding constant values for various ActiveMQ specific things Each constant is defined as an enumeration and has functions that convert back an forth between string and enum values
oCactivemq::util::AdvisorySupportSupport class that provides various static constants for use in constructing Destination names for the ActiveMQ advisory destinations
oCdecaf::lang::AppendableAn object to which char sequences and values can be appended
oCdecaf::internal::AprPoolWraps an APR pool object so that classes in decaf can create a static member for use in static methods where apr function calls that need a pool are made
oCdecaf::lang::ArrayPointer< T >Decaf's implementation of a Smart Pointer that is a template on a Type and is Thread Safe if the default Reference Counter is used
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::atomic::AtomicBooleanA boolean value that may be updated atomically
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::atomic::AtomicReference< T >An Pointer reference that may be updated atomically
oCdecaf::util::BitSetThis class implements a vector of bits that grows as needed
oCactivemq::wireformat::openwire::utils::BooleanStreamManages the writing and reading of boolean data streams to and from a data source such as a DataInputStream or DataOutputStream
oCdecaf::nio::BufferA container for data of a specific primitive type
oCdecaf::internal::nio::BufferFactoryFactory class used by static methods in the decaf::nio package to create the various default version of the NIO interfaces
oCdecaf::internal::util::ByteArrayAdapterThis class adapts primitive type arrays to a base byte array so that the classes can inter-operate on the same base byte array without copying data
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::CallableTypeBase class of all Callable<T> objects, used to allow identification via type casting
oCdecaf::security::cert::CertificateBase interface for all identity certificates
oCdecaf::lang::CharSequenceA CharSequence is a readable sequence of char values
oCdecaf::util::zip::ChecksumAn interface used to represent Checksum values in the Zip package
oCcms::CloseableInterface for a class that implements the close method
oCdecaf::io::CloseableInterface for a class that implements the close method
oCactivemq::cmsutil::CmsAccessorBase class for activemq.cmsutil.CmsTemplate and other CMS-accessing gateway helpers, defining common properties such as the CMS cms.ConnectionFactory to operate on
oCcms::CMSExceptionCMS API Exception that is the base for all exceptions thrown from CMS classes
oCcms::CMSPropertiesInterface for a Java-like properties object
oCactivemq::state::CommandVisitorInterface for an Object that can visit the various Command Objects that are sent from and to this client
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< T >This interface imposes a total ordering on the objects of each class that implements it
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< ActiveMQDestination >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< bool >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< Boolean >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< BrokerId >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< Byte >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< ByteBuffer >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< char >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< Character >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< CharBuffer >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< ConnectionId >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< ConsumerId >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< Date >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< Delayed >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< Double >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< double >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< DoubleBuffer >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< Float >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< float >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< FloatBuffer >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< int >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< IntBuffer >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< Integer >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< Level >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< LocalTransactionId >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< Long >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< long long >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< LongBuffer >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< MessageId >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< ProducerId >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< SessionId >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< Short >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< short >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< ShortBuffer >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< TimeUnit >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< TransactionId >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< unsigned char >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< URI >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< UUID >
oCdecaf::lang::Comparable< XATransactionId >
oCdecaf::util::Comparator< T >A comparison function, which imposes a total ordering on some collection of objects
oCdecaf::util::Comparator< ArrayPointer< T > >
oCdecaf::util::Comparator< E >
oCdecaf::util::Comparator< Pointer< T, R > >
oCactivemq::util::CompositeDataRepresents a Composite URI
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::locks::ConditionCondition factors out the Mutex monitor methods (wait, notify and notifyAll) into distinct objects to give the effect of having multiple wait-sets per object, by combining them with the use of arbitrary Lock implementations
oCcms::ConnectionFactoryDefines the interface for a factory that creates connection objects, the Connection objects returned implement the CMS Connection interface and hide the CMS Provider specific implementation details behind that interface
oCcms::ConnectionMetaDataA ConnectionMetaData object provides information describing the Connection object
oCdecaf::net::DatagramPacketClass that represents a single datagram packet
oCdecaf::io::DataInputThe DataInput interface provides for reading bytes from a binary stream and reconstructing from them data in any of the C++ primitive types
oCdecaf::io::DataOutputThe DataOutput interface provides for converting data from any of the C++ primitive types to a series of bytes and writing these bytes to a binary stream
oCactivemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::DataStreamMarshallerBase class for all classes that marshal commands for Openwire
oCdecaf::internal::net::ssl::DefaultSSLContextDefault SSLContext manager for the Decaf library
oCdecaf::util::zip::DeflaterThis class compresses data using the DEFLATE algorithm (see specification)
oCcms::DeliveryModeThis is an Abstract class whose purpose is to provide a container for the delivery mode enumeration for CMS messages
oCcms::DestinationA Destination object encapsulates a provider-specific address
oCactivemq::cmsutil::DestinationResolverResolves a CMS destination name to a Destination
oCactivemq::core::DispatchDataSimple POCO that contains the information necessary to route a message to a specified consumer
oCactivemq::core::DispatcherInterface for an object responsible for dispatching messages to consumers
oCdecaf::util::logging::ErrorManagerErrorManager objects can be attached to Handlers to process any error that occur on a Handler during Logging
oCcms::ExceptionListenerIf a CMS provider detects a serious problem, it notifies the client application through an ExceptionListener that is registered with the Connection
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::ExecutorAn object that executes submitted decaf.lang.Runnable tasks
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::ExecutorsImplements a set of utilities for use with Executors, ExecutorService, ThreadFactory, and Callable types, as well as providing factory methods for instance of these types configured for the most common use cases
oCdecaf::internal::util::concurrent::ExecutorsSupportVarious support methods for use in Executors and surrounding classes
oCdecaf::io::FileDescriptorThis class servers as an opaque wrapper around an underlying OS level resource that can be used as a source / sink for byte level data such as sockets and files
oCdecaf::util::logging::FilterA Filter can be used to provide fine grain control over what is logged, beyond the control provided by log levels
oCdecaf::io::FlushableA Flushable is a destination of data that can be flushed
oCdecaf::util::logging::FormatterA Formatter provides support for formatting LogRecords
oCactivemq::transport::FutureResponseA container that holds a response object
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< T >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< bool >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< char >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< const std::string & >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< const T & >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< decaf::lang::Pointer< T > >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< double >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< float >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< int >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< long long >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< short >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< T * >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< unsigned int >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< unsigned long long >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< unsigned short >
oCdecaf::util::HashCodeUnaryBase< wchar_t >
oCactivemq::wireformat::openwire::utils::HexTableMaps hexidecimal strings to the value of an index into the table, i.e
oCdecaf::net::InetAddressRepresents an IP address
oCdecaf::util::zip::InflaterThis class uncompresses data that was compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm (see specification)
oCdecaf::lang::Iterable< E >Implementing this interface allows an object to be cast to an Iterable type for generic collections API calls
oCdecaf::lang::Iterable< K >
oCdecaf::lang::Iterable< MapEntry< K, V > >
oCdecaf::lang::Iterable< PrimitiveValueNode >
oCdecaf::lang::Iterable< V >
oCdecaf::util::Iterator< E >Defines an object that can be used to iterate over the elements of a collection
oCdecaf::util::Iterator< K >
oCdecaf::util::Iterator< MapEntry< K, V > >
oCdecaf::util::Iterator< T >
oCdecaf::util::Iterator< V >
oCdecaf::security::KeyThe Key interface is the top-level interface for all keys
oCstd::less< decaf::lang::ArrayPointer< T > >An override of the less function object so that the Pointer objects can be stored in STL Maps, etc
oCstd::less< decaf::lang::Pointer< T > >An override of the less function object so that the Pointer objects can be stored in STL Maps, etc
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::LockA wrapper class around a given synchronization mechanism that provides automatic release upon destruction
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::locks::LockLock implementations provide more extensive locking operations than can be obtained using synchronized statements
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::locks::LockSupportBasic thread blocking primitives for creating locks and other synchronization classes
oCdecaf::util::logging::LoggerA Logger object is used to log messages for a specific system or application component
oCdecaf::util::logging::LogManagerThere is a single global LogManager object that is used to maintain a set of shared state about Loggers and log services
oCdecaf::util::logging::LogRecordLogRecord objects are used to pass logging requests between the logging framework and individual log Handlers
oCactivemq::util::LongSequenceGeneratorThis class is used to generate a sequence of long long values that are incremented each time a new value is requested
oCdecaf::util::MapEntry< K, V >
oCdecaf::util::logging::MarkBlockLoggerDefines a class that can be used to mark the entry and exit from scoped blocks
oCactivemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated::MarshallerFactoryUsed to create marshallers for a specific version of the wire protocol
oCdecaf::lang::MathThe class Math contains methods for performing basic numeric operations such as the elementary exponential, logarithm, square root, and trigonometric functions
oCcms::MessageRoot of all messages
oCcms::MessageAvailableListenerA listener interface similar to the MessageListener interface
oCactivemq::cmsutil::MessageCreatorCreates the user-defined message to be sent by the CmsTemplate
oCcms::MessageEnumerationDefines an object that enumerates a collection of Messages
oCcms::MessageListenerA MessageListener object is used to receive asynchronously delivered messages
oCactivemq::wireformat::openwire::utils::MessagePropertyInterceptorUsed the base ActiveMQMessage class to intercept calls to get and set properties in order to capture the calls that use the reserved JMS properties and get and set them in the OpenWire Message properties
oCcms::MessageTransformerProvides an interface for clients to transform cms::Message objects inside the CMS MessageProducer and MessageConsumer objects before the message's are sent or received
oCdecaf::internal::net::NetworkInternal class used to manage Networking related resources and hide platform dependent calls from the higher level API
oCdecaf::lang::NumberThe abstract class Number is the superclass of classes Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, and Short
oCdecaf::internal::net::ssl::openssl::OpenSSLParametersContainer class for parameters that are Common to OpenSSL socket classes
oCdecaf::lang::Pointer< T, REFCOUNTER >Decaf's implementation of a Smart Pointer that is a template on a Type and is Thread Safe if the default Reference Counter is used
oCactivemq::core::PrefetchPolicyInterface for a Policy object that controls message Prefetching on various destination types in ActiveMQ-CPP
oCactivemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::PrimitiveTypesMarshallerThis class wraps the functionality needed to marshal a primitive map to the Openwire Format's expectation of what the map looks like on the wire
oCactivemq::util::PrimitiveValueNode::PrimitiveValueDefine a union type comprised of the various types
oCactivemq::util::PrimitiveValueConverterClass controls the conversion of data contained in a PrimitiveValueNode from one type to another
oCactivemq::util::PrimitiveValueNodeClass that wraps around a single value of one of the many types
oCdecaf::security::PrincipalBase interface for a principal, which can represent an individual or organization
oCactivemq::cmsutil::ProducerCallbackCallback for sending a message to a CMS destination
oCdecaf::util::PropertiesJava-like properties class for mapping string names to string values
oCdecaf::util::logging::PropertiesChangeListenerDefines the interface that classes can use to listen for change events on Properties
oCdecaf::util::RandomRandom Value Generator which is used to generate a stream of pseudorandom numbers
oCdecaf::lang::ReadableA Readable is a source of characters
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::locks::ReadWriteLockA ReadWriteLock maintains a pair of associated locks, one for read-only operations and one for writing
oCactivemq::core::RedeliveryPolicyInterface for a RedeliveryPolicy object that controls how message Redelivery is handled in ActiveMQ-CPP when a transaction is rolled back
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::RejectedExecutionHandlerA handler for tasks that cannot be executed by a ThreadPoolExecutor
oCdecaf::internal::util::ResourceInterface for all Managed Resources in Decaf, these objects are added to the Runtime System and are destroyed at shutdown
oCactivemq::cmsutil::ResourceLifecycleManagerManages the lifecycle of a set of CMS resources
oCactivemq::transport::mock::ResponseBuilderInterface for all Protocols to implement that defines the behavior of the Broker in response to messages of that protocol
oCactivemq::transport::ResponseCallbackAllows an async send to complete at a later time via a Response event
oCdecaf::lang::RunnableInterface for a runnable object - defines a task that can be run by a thread
oCdecaf::security::SecureRandomSpiInterface class used by Security Service Providers to implement a source of secure random bytes
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::SemaphoreA counting semaphore
oCdecaf::net::ServerSocketThis class implements server sockets
oCdecaf::net::ServerSocketFactoryClass used to create Server Sockets, subclasses can be created that create certain types of server sockets according to specific policies
oCactivemq::util::ServiceBase interface for all classes that run as a Service inside the application
oCactivemq::util::ServiceListenerListener interface for observers of Service related events
oCactivemq::cmsutil::SessionCallbackCallback for executing any number of operations on a provided CMS Session
oCactivemq::cmsutil::SessionPoolA pool of CMS sessions from the same connection and with the same acknowledge mode
oCdecaf::net::SocketAddressBase class for protocol specific Socket addresses
oCdecaf::net::SocketErrorStatic utility class to simplify handling of error codes for socket operations
oCdecaf::net::SocketFactoryThe SocketFactory is used to create Socket objects and can be sub-classed to provide other types of Sockets or Sockets with varying configurations
oCdecaf::net::SocketImplFactoryFactory class interface for a Factory that creates ScoketImpl objects
oCdecaf::net::ssl::SSLContextRepresents on implementation of the Secure Socket Layer for streaming based sockets
oCdecaf::net::ssl::SSLContextSpiDefines the interface that should be provided by an SSLContext provider
oCcms::StartableInterface for a class that implements the start method
oCactivemq::wireformat::stomp::StompFrameA Stomp-level message frame that encloses all messages to and from the broker
oCactivemq::wireformat::stomp::StompHelperUtility Methods used when marshaling to and from StompFrame's
oCcms::StoppableInterface for a class that implements the stop method
oCdecaf::util::StringTokenizerClass that allows for parsing of string based on Tokens
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::SynchronizableThe interface for all synchronizable objects (that is, objects that can be locked and unlocked)
oCactivemq::core::SynchronizationTransacted Object Synchronization, used to sync the events of a Transaction with the items in the Transaction
oCdecaf::lang::SystemStatic methods for accessing system level resources and performing some system dependent tasks such as looking up environment values and copying memory and arrays
oCactivemq::threads::TaskRepresents a unit of work that requires one or more iterations to complete
oCdecaf::util::concurrent::ThreadFactoryPublic interface ThreadFactory
oCdecaf::lang::ThrowableThis class represents an error that has occurred
oCdecaf::util::TimerA facility for threads to schedule tasks for future execution in a background thread
oCdecaf::internal::util::TimerTaskHeapA Binary Heap implemented specifically for the Timer class in Decaf Util
oCdecaf::internal::util::concurrent::Transferer< E >Shared internal API for dual stacks and queues
oCactivemq::transport::TransportFactoryDefines the interface for Factories that create Transports or TransportFilters
oCactivemq::transport::TransportListenerA listener of asynchronous exceptions from a command transport object
oCactivemq::transport::TransportRegistryRegistry of all Transport Factories that are available to the client at runtime
oCdecaf::lang::Thread::UncaughtExceptionHandlerInterface for handlers invoked when a Thread abruptly terminates due to an uncaught exception
oCdecaf::internal::net::URIHelperHelper class used by the URI classes in encoding and decoding of URI's
oCdecaf::internal::net::URITypeBasic type object that holds data that composes a given URI
oCdecaf::net::URLClass URL represents a Uniform Resource Locator, a pointer to a "resource" on the World Wide Web
oCactivemq::wireformat::WireFormatProvides a mechanism to marshal commands into and out of packets or into and out of streams, Channels and Datagrams
oCactivemq::wireformat::WireFormatFactoryThe WireFormatFactory is the interface that all WireFormatFactory classes must extend
oCactivemq::wireformat::WireFormatRegistryRegistry of all WireFormat Factories that are available to the client at runtime
oCcms::XAConnectionFactoryThe XAConnectionFactory interface is specialized interface that defines an ConnectionFactory that creates Connection instance that will participate in XA Transactions
oCcms::XAResourceThe XAResource interface is a CMS mapping of the industry standard XA interface based on the X/Open CAE Specification (Distributed Transaction Processing: The XA Specification)
oCcms::XidAn interface which provides a mapping for the X/Open XID transaction identifier structure