ActiveMQ Artemis Console 1.1.0 Release Notes
Bugs Fixed
- ARTEMIS-5095 - Resend Dialog broken
- ARTEMIS-5131 - Add A Copy message button to console
- ARTEMIS-5185 - Move from craco server to webpack server for console
- ARTEMIS-5204 - Backups not showing in console
- ARTEMIS-5213 - Selecting only “show internal addresses” in the new console never shows these addresses
- ARTEMIS-5216 - broker diagram used ‘wrong’color for internal queues
- ARTEMIS-5160 - Migrate console to PF 5 and latest hawtio
- ARTEMIS-5175 - Fix up text in console
- ARTEMIS-5186 - UI Consistency Improvements
- ARTEMIS-5192 - Reset selected items when changing page size in web console
- ARTEMIS-5193 - Remember page size settings in web console
- ARTEMIS-5194 - Remember columns when browsing queue in web console
- ARTEMIS-5195 - Row hover color too dark
- ARTEMIS-5197 - List broker name prominently in web console
- ARTEMIS-5198 - Make the default page size configurable on the web console
- ARTEMIS-5240 - Broker Diagram options all prefix with show
Dependency Upgrades
- ARTEMIS-5176 - Upgrade cookie to 0.7.0, micromatch to 4.0.8, rollup to 2.79.2, http-proxy-middleware to 2.0.7 and cross-spawn to 7.0.5
- ARTEMIS-5238 - upgrade nanoid to 3.3.8
- ARTEMIS-5239 - upgrade path-to-regexp to 0.1.12
- ARTEMIS-5242 - Upgrade Jolokia.js to 2.1.9