ActiveMQ Artemis 2.13.0 Release Notes

A complete list of JIRAs for the 2.13.0 release can be found here

A list of commits can be found here.

Release Notes - ActiveMQ Artemis - Version 2.13.0


* [ARTEMIS-2638] - Retroactive resources created recursively when using # match
* [ARTEMIS-2655] - Support auto-creation w/FQQN for STOMP
* [ARTEMIS-2740] - Broker sends messages from DLQ populated with illegal AMQP message annotations
* [ARTEMIS-2743] - Synchronize JMS connection methods
* [ARTEMIS-2744] - Fix karaf mvn repositories for ArtemisFeatureTest
* [ARTEMIS-2745] - Queue registering wrong metrics
* [ARTEMIS-2750] - AMQP server consumer should flush NettyExecutor first
* [ARTEMIS-2752] - Federated Address DivertBindings are not properly updated on queue binding removal
* [ARTEMIS-2753] - OpenWire Temp Queues fail if using _ on wildcard config and if computer name has "." on the name
* [ARTEMIS-2757] - AMQP: Broker grants credit before accepting the inbound messages that caused it to grant credit
* [ARTEMIS-2763] - Embedded Artemis fails to start when journal grows too big
* [ARTEMIS-2765] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException while processing broker.xml

New Feature

* [ARTEMIS-2666] - Add management for duplicate ID cache 
* [ARTEMIS-2726] - Implement min/max expiry-delay
* [ARTEMIS-2738] - Implement per-acceptor security domains
* [ARTEMIS-2739] - Artemis health check tool
* [ARTEMIS-2758] - Support disabling metrics per address
* [ARTEMIS-2761] - Supporting QUOTED-IDS on expressions to align with qpid-jms


* [ARTEMIS-2372] - Support Filtering on Message Annotations
* [ARTEMIS-2648] - Improve the Audit logging capabilities
* [ARTEMIS-2680] - Use queue name for address if none specified via configuration
* [ARTEMIS-2704] - Provide a SPI to manage and cache SSLContext 
* [ARTEMIS-2718] - Take advantage of ARTEMIS-2704 to cache SSLContexts
* [ARTEMIS-2720] - Optimize HierarchicalObjectRepository
* [ARTEMIS-2741] - Pass Call timeout to connection bridges
* [ARTEMIS-2749] - Add control objects for non UDP broadcast groups
* [ARTEMIS-2755] - Improve SoakPagingTest stability
* [ARTEMIS-2759] - Warn ignored connection factory URI parameters
* [ARTEMIS-2760] - Filter AddressQueueReaper misleading error messages
* [ARTEMIS-2762] - JournalRecord is using too much memory to track JournalFile updates
* [ARTEMIS-2766] - Avoid parsing application properties for duplicate detection
* [ARTEMIS-2767] - Perf Improvement. Routing = null should still reuse context


* [ARTEMIS-2730] - Move AuditLoggerTest as a smoke test
* [ARTEMIS-2734] - Implement Apache logger for the testsuite


* [ARTEMIS-2709] - Fix  LiveToLiveFailoverTest::scaleDownDelay
* [ARTEMIS-2717] - Isolate the current Quorum Vote implementation
* [ARTEMIS-2732] - Cleanup Logging on tests
* [ARTEMIS-2737] - Update apache commons-text version to 1.8
* [ARTEMIS-2747] - Upgrade com.sun.winsw to 2.7.0
* [ARTEMIS-2764] - Update to Qpid JMS 0.51.0

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