
Features > Persistence > JDBC Support > SQLServer

SQL Server

SQL Server 2000 Drivers 

Here is an example of a configuration for SQLServer kindly supplied by Ning Li

Information about the Microsoft SqlServer 2000 drivers can be found here

SQL Server 2005 Drivers

Here is an example of the configuration for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 drivers

Information about the Microsoft SqlServer 2005 drivers can be found here

jTDS Drivers

Here’s an example of the configuration for the jTDS drivers:

A note about the jTDS Drivers: Using both the JtdsDataSource and the DBCP BasicDataSource seem to result in client connection starvation on Windows. The JtdsDataSource is better behaved, though, i.e. it doesn’t throw an exception. There is mileage in upping the maximum number of client ports and dropping the Tcp wait delay down to 30 seconds. Use RegEdit to add the following values:








HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\TCPIP\Parameters

30 (Decimal)

Reduces the time a connection spends in TIME_WAIT to 30 seconds



HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\TCPIP\Parameters

32768 (Decimal)

Increases the number of ports a client application can use to 32768

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