ActiveMQ Classic 5.8.0 Release

This is an older release. To get the current release, please see the download page.

Apache ActiveMQ Classic 5.8.0 resolves 160 issues, mostly bug fixes and improvements. It has the following new features:

  • AMQP
  • new feature modules and activemq-client module allowing smaller foorprint
  • management via REST with jolokia jmx to http bridge
  • Includes Apache Camel 2.10.3
  • Java 7 support (compiled with jdk6 and validated with jdk7)
  • Pure Master Slave no longer supported

There are some changes in 5.8 that may require some code change

  1. New modules may effect your maven pom dependencies activemq-core has been replaced with activemq-client and activemq-broker. The various message stores have their own activemq-xx-store module. The uber module activemq-all remains.
  2. Changed JMX Mbean ObjectNames will effect scripts or tools that directly reference Mbean names. All mbeans now share the type=Broker attribute, which gives them containment. In this way, consumers hang off of destinations, which hang off the broker. The different Mbean types are identified by the presence of specific identifiers in their ObjectNames. The mapping from old to new ObjectName is as follows:

    Type Old Name New Name
    Broker Type=Broker type=Broker
    Destination Type=Queue|Topic,Destination=<destination identifier> type=Broker,destinationType=Queue|Topic,destinationName=<destination identifier>
    Connector Type=Connector type=Broker,connector=clientConnectors
    NetworkConnector Type=NetworkConnector type=Broker,connector=networkConnectors
    Connection Type=Connection type=Broker,connector=*,connectionViewType=remoteAddress|clientId
  3. OSGi integration has changed. The full details are at OSGi Integration. In summary:
    1. There is a single uber OSGI bundle
    2. The broker and webconsole are now configured via config admin pid files through an OSGi managed service factory.
  4. The ActiveMQ Classic binary file bin/run.jar has been renamed to bin/activemq.jar.

Getting the Binary Distributions

Description Download Link PGP Signature file of download
Windows Distribution
Unix/Linux/Cygwin Distribution apache-activemq-5.8.0-bin.tar.gz apache-activemq-5.8.0-bin.tar.gz.asc

Verify the Integrity of Downloads

It is essential that you verify the integrity of the downloaded files using the PGP or MD5 signatures. The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG. Begin by following these steps:

  1. Download the KEYS
  2. Download the asc signature file for the relevant distribution
  3. Verify the signatures using the following commands, depending on your use of PGP or GPG:
    $ pgpk -a KEYS
    $ pgpv apache-activemq-<version>-bin.tar.gz.asc


    $ pgp -ka KEYS
    $ pgp apache-activemq-<version>-bin.tar.gz.asc


    $ gpg --import KEYS
    $ gpg --verify apache-activemq-<version>-bin.tar.gz.asc

(Where is replaced with the actual version, e.g., 5.1.0, 5.2.0, etc.).

Alternatively, you can verify the MD5 signature on the files. A Unix program called md5 or md5sum is included in most Linux and Unix distributions. It is also available as part of GNU Textutils. Windows users can utilize any of the following md5 programs:

Getting the Binaries using Maven 2

To use this release in your maven project, the proper dependency configuration that you should use in your Maven POM is:


Getting the Source Code

Source Distributions

Description Download Link PGP Signature file of download
Source Release

SVN Tag Checkout

svn co


For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the release notes

Also see the previous ActiveMQ Classic 5.7.0 Release

Apache, ActiveMQ, Apache ActiveMQ, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache ActiveMQ project logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. Copyright © 2025, The Apache Software Foundation. Licensed under Apache License 2.0.