Cached LDAP Authorization Module

Features > Security > Cached LDAP Authorization Module

Available since 5.6

Cached LDAP authorization module is an implementation of an default authorization module that initializes and updates data from LDAP. It supports all standard features like defining wildcard policy entries and entry for temporary destinations.


We provide two ldif files for easy starting. The first one is for Apache Directory Server (ldif), which we use in embedded mode for testing. For an example on how to initialize the embedded ApacheDS with this ldif file take a look at CachedLDAPSecurityTest

The other one is for OpenLDAP (ldif)

The provided ldif and examples assume dc=activemq,dc=apache,dc=org suffix to be used for entries, so the configuration similar to the one shown in the following snippet

suffix          "dc=activemq,dc=apache,dc=org"
rootdn          "cn=admin,dc=activemq,dc=apache,dc=org"
# Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should
# be avoid.  See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for details.
# Use of strong authentication encouraged.
rootpw          {SSHA}lfAYn54xCFghgQv5B2Kqn3d3eLojqxtS

should be put into your slapd.conf

To initialize your (properly configured) OpenLDAP do something like

ldapadd -x -D "cn=admin,dc=activemq,dc=apache,dc=org" -w sunflower -f activemq-openldap.ldif


Once entries are in LDAP, you can configure the module to load entries from there. A default values are adapted for embedded Apache DS server, so all you have to do in that case is add your plugin to the broker xml conf


For the OpenLDAP case, you should define more parameters


Full examples of configurations for Apache DS and OpenLDAP

The list of all properties for cachedLDAPAuthorizationMap

property default value description version
connectionURL ldap://localhost:1024 LDAP Server connection address. This can either be a single URL or a space-separated list of URLs.  
connectionUsername uid=admin,ou=system Dn to be used for connecting to the server  
connectionPassword secret Password to be used for connecting to the server  
connectionProtocol s Connection protocol to be used for connecting to the server  
authentication simple Authentication method to be used when connecting to the server  
queueSearchBase ou=Queue,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system Base dn of queue related entries 5.7 and later
topicSearchBase ou=Topic,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system Base dn of topic related entries 5.7 and later
tempSearchBase ou=Temp,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system Base dn of temporary destinations related entries 5.7 and later
refreshInterval -1 Interval (in milliseconds) of pulling changes from the server, -1 means pulling is off, see #Updates for more info  
legacyGroupMapping true Should permission group members be configured as CN and not a full DN 5.7 and later


Many LDAP servers supports so called “persistent search” feature which allows applications to receive changes in LDAP in a “push” manner. By default this plugin assumes that LDAP server supports this feature and will “register” to get live updates.

For servers that doesn’t support this yet (like OpenLDAP), we provide “pull” updates. In this case you need to set refreshInterval property, which will define the update period for the plugin (so in this case, updates will not be immediately applied)

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