
Connectivity > Containers > Geronimo

ActiveMQ Classic is the default JMS provider in Apache Geronimo.

ActiveMQ Classic can be used both as JMS Client and a JMS Broker. This short
article explains how to use it on a standalone client to access the
topics/queues setup on a remote Geronimo/ActiveMQ Classic broker.

1) Setup the queues and topics on the ActiveMQ Classic Broker
If you’re using a standalone ActiveMQ Classic broker, then following the instructions on
ActiveMQ Classic’s website should be enough to setup everything.
However, if your ActiveMQ Classic’s instance is embedded inside the J2EE Geronimo
Application Server, creating Queues and Topics is about deploying Resource
Adapters to your Geronimo server.
The following deployment descriptor can be used to deploy two topics and a
ConnectionFactory: weatherTopic and weatherRequestsTopic

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<connector xmlns=""
            <resourceadapter-name>ActiveMQ Classic RA</resourceadapter-name>
            <config-property-setting name="ServerUrl">tcp://localhost:61616</config-property-setting>
            <config-property-setting name="UserName">geronimo</config-property-setting>
            <config-property-setting name="Password">geronimo</config-property-setting>









Then deploy it using Geronimo’s deploy tool :

D:\\geronimo>java -jar bin\\deployer.jar deploy d:\\projects\\weather\\src\\resources\
geronimo-activemq.xml repository\\activemq\\rars\\activemq-ra-3.1-SNAPSHOT.rar
Username: system
Password: manager
Deployed weather/Topics

The geronimo.log file should now refer to these newly deployed Topics.

2) Now that the queues are available server-side, what we want is access them
thanks to a standalone Client.
Usually, the process is the following one :

  • Contact the J2EE naming server (port 1099, RMI) to get an JNDI InitialContext.
  • The J2EE server automatically exposes the ConnectionFactory and the Topics
    through JNDI, so the InitialContext allows you to retrieve both the
    ConnectionFactory and the Topics
  • Once you have your Topics, you just use them..

However, ActiveMQ Classic’s JNDI Implementation does NOT talk to the naming server. It’s
a stripped down version of a JNDI client that just allows to get Topics and
Queues directly from a JMS instance.
So, instead of supplying the naming server address, you have to supply the JMS
server address.
Most JNDI implementations use the java.naming.provider.url property to specify
the naming server’s address. ActiveMQ Classic uses the brokerURL one. Using the
java.naming.provider.url one instead will result in ActiveMQ Classic trying to load the
whole Broker.

3) So, now we have explained the process, let’s detail the Spring way of doing
things :

  • Create a file that’s available in your classpath
  • Now, in your Spring description file, declare the bean that will read the properties from the file

    <bean id="placeholderConfig" 
        <property name="location"><value>classpath:/</value></property>
  • Create a JNDI template (A Spring-specific wrapper around the JNDI InitialContext ``` ${jms.jndiContextFactory} <!\-\- Specific to ActiveMQ Classic --> <!\-\- the address of the ActiveMQ Classic broker --> ${jms.jndiProviderUrl} <!\-\- Some Topics Registration, since we are using a fake JNDI implementation --> ${jms.weatherTopic} ${jms.weatherRequestsTopic}
  • Retrieve the ConnectionFactory from the JNDI context

    <bean id="internalJmsQueueConnectionFactory"
        <property name="jndiTemplate">
            <ref bean="jndiTemplate"/>
        <property name="jndiName">

    I’m not 100% sure, but I think that you can put any Factory Name, it will just
    work. (In a scenario where the JNDI context actually contacts a naming server,
    it should match the name of the deployed ConnectionFactory)

  • Get the Topics instances from the JNDI Context
    <bean id="weatherTopic"
        <property name="jndiTemplate">
            <ref bean="jndiTemplate"/>
        <property name="jndiName">
    <bean id="weatherRequestTopic"
          <property name="jndiTemplate">
              <ref bean="jndiTemplate"/>
          <property name="jndiName">
  • Now, you can reuse these Topics beans the way you want.

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