Multicast Transport Reference

Using ActiveMQ Classic > Configuring Transports > ActiveMQ Classic Connection URIs > Multicast Transport Reference

The Multicast Transport

The Multicast transport allows clients to connect to a remote ActiveMQ Classic broker using multicast

Note that by default Multicast is not reliable; datagrams can be lost so you should add a reliability layer to ensure the JMS contract can be implemented on a non-reliable transport.

Configuration Syntax

Transport Options
Option Name Default Value Description
group default specify a unique group name that can segregate multicast traffic
minmumWireFormatVersion 0 The minimum version wireformat that is allowed
trace false Causes all commands that are sent over the transport to be logged
useLocalHost true When true, it causes the local machines name to resolve to “localhost”.
datagramSize 4 * 1024 Specifies the size of a datagram
timeToLive -1 The time to live of datagrams. Set greater than 1 to send packets beyond the local network. (NOTE: This won’t work for IPv4 addresses without setting the property For more info see the IPv6 User Guide for JDK)
loopBackMode false Should loopback mode be used
wireFormat default The name of the WireFormat to use
wireFormat.*   All the properties with this prefix are used to configure the wireFormat. See Configuring Wire Formats for more information
Example URIs

To use the default value of “multicast://” with a default multicast group name of “default” from MulticastDiscoveryAgent use


To specify the IP address and port use


To specify a multicast group name other than the default name of “default” use


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