New Features in 5.2

Features > New Features > New Features in 5.2

Apache ActiveMQ Classic 5.2 is primarily a maintenance release which resolves

New Features in 5.2

The new features and enhancements in this release include:

  • Additional advisory messages for messages delivered/consumed fast producers/slow consumers, Usage limits, Slaves become masters etc.
  • Enhanced ssl context configuration through spring/xbean
  • New individual acknowledge mode for message consumption
  • Ability to configure the automatic discarding of the items being sent to the dead letter queue
  • Ability to limit the maximum number of connections to a Broker
  • Ability to configure separate lock Datasource for JDBC Master slave.
  • activemq-camel and activemq-connection-pool now have their own modules, no longer in activemq-core
  • The default ActiveMQConnectionFactory brokerUrl now uses the failover transport.
  • Uses Apache Camel 1.5.

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