Resource Adapter Properties

Connectivity > Containers > Resource Adapter > Resource Adapter Properties

The ActiveMQ Classic Resource Adapter allows you to configure several properties that:

  • sets the options used for connection used for inbound message delivery
  • sets the default options used for the outbound connection factory objects.

The properties that can be configured are:

Property Name Required Default Value Description
ServerUrl no tcp://localhost:61616 The URI to connect to the broker on
UserName no defaultUser User name
Password no defaultPassword Password
Clientid no null The JMS client ID to use
UseInboundSession no false  
BrokerXmlConfig no   The ActiveMQ Classic XML config file to use to deploy an embedded broker. E.g. to configure via an XML configuration file then use xbean:activemq.xml or to configure via a Broker Configuration URI (to avoid using Spring, XBean and XML) then use broker:(tcp://localhost:61616)
Property Name Required Default Value Description
AllPrefetchValues no   Sets all the prefetch values in one setting
DurableTopicPrefetch no 100 The maximum number of messages sent to a consumer on a durable topic until acknowledgements are received
QueuePrefetch no 1000 The maximum number of messages sent to a consumer on a queue until acknowledgements are received
InputStreamPrefetch no 100 The maximum number of messages sent to a consumer on a JMS stream until acknowledgements are received
TopicPrefetch no Short.MAX_VALUE - 1 The maximum number of messages sent to a consumer on a non-durable topic until acknowledgements are received

Redelivery properties

Property Name Required Default Value Description
InitialRedeliveryDelay no 1000 The delay before redeliveries start. Also configurable on the ActivationSpec.
MaximumRedeliveries no 5 The maximum number of redeliveries or -1 for no maximum. Also configurable on the ActivationSpec.
RedeliveryBackOffMultiplier no 5 The multiplier to use if exponential back off is enabled. Also configurable on the ActivationSpec.
RedeliveryUseExponentialBackOff no false To enable exponential backoff. Also configurable on the ActivationSpec.


The URL to the ActiveMQ Classic server that you want this connection to connect to. If using an embedded broker, this value should be ‘vm://localhost’ if using the auto-created embedded broker, otherwise if you explicitly create a broker (e.g. using one of the embedded broker techniques), then this value should be ‘vm://brokerName’, where brokerName is replaced by the broker’s name.


The default user name that will be used to establish connections to the ActiveMQ Classic server.


The default password that will be used to log the default user into the ActiveMQ Classic server.


The client id that will be set on the connection that is established to the ActiveMQ Classic server.


Boolean to configure if outbound connections should reuse the inbound connection’s session for sending messages.


Sets the XML configuration file used to configure the embedded ActiveMQ Classic broker via Spring if using embedded mode. If this property is omitted then no embedded broker is used and you must run the broker in a separate process or deployment unit.

BrokerXmlConfig is the filename which is assumed to be on the classpath unless a URL is specified. So a value of foo/bar.xml would be assumed to be on the classpath whereas file:dir/file.xml would use the file system. Any valid URL string is supported.

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